Has anyone noticed that all the loudest whiners in Thanet actually represent nobody? The usual half dozen suspects whine and whine, bullshit, lie, misrepresent and hope nobody will notice, whilst embarking on pointless campaigns for videos nobody will ever watch , producing audio nobody will listen to, all the while simply making TDC's work more difficult.
Mending Thanet is oh so simple, throw driver out, ignore the nimbys and whiners, and lets make some progress at last!
Friday, 22 November 2013
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Hmmm, I wonder who Driver could be refering to...
"But the truth is that the behaviour of some Councillors
is even more appalling than this outspoken report portrays. I am personally
aware of examples of some Councillors using their influence and connections to
destroy the businesses and livelihoods of members of the public and other
councillors with whom they have fallen out or disagree with"
Oh yes, I know
That would be when Driver singled out and mercilessly attacked GB PIzza company!
Attacks them in the glare of publicity he sought, apologises meekly on his own minor blog, and privately.
Driver, a hypocrite, no, surely not!
Oh yes, I know
That would be when Driver singled out and mercilessly attacked GB PIzza company!
Attacks them in the glare of publicity he sought, apologises meekly on his own minor blog, and privately.
Driver, a hypocrite, no, surely not!
Yet MORE irrelevant grandstanding harms Thanet!
Once again, media whore Driver engineers a non issue to get his name in the press, at the expense of Thanet residents.
"I therefore decided to film the meeting secretly, but was discovered. I was asked to leave the meeting but refused. The Chairman closed the meeting and postponed it to another time"
From his own blog, he cheerily recounts how he once again decided which rules shouldn't apply to him, flouted them, and caused the termination of a council meeting! Had there been a vote, had the rules been changed, of course not, Driver simply decided it was about time to see his name in print yet again, and if that hurt the people of Thanet, then tough shit!
CLEARLY Driver is persuing his own self serving agenda to please the pathetic band of nimbys and whiners that have become his minions.
Well done Driver, once again you bring TDC into disrepute, whilst actually representing nobody.
"I therefore decided to film the meeting secretly, but was discovered. I was asked to leave the meeting but refused. The Chairman closed the meeting and postponed it to another time"
From his own blog, he cheerily recounts how he once again decided which rules shouldn't apply to him, flouted them, and caused the termination of a council meeting! Had there been a vote, had the rules been changed, of course not, Driver simply decided it was about time to see his name in print yet again, and if that hurt the people of Thanet, then tough shit!
CLEARLY Driver is persuing his own self serving agenda to please the pathetic band of nimbys and whiners that have become his minions.
Well done Driver, once again you bring TDC into disrepute, whilst actually representing nobody.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Will Driver listen to his electorate?
Having mislead the electorate to get elected, Driver has failed to represent anyone since leaving the Labour party, and then joining and abandoning 3 other political groups.
With the result of the poll on his blogsite firmly in favour of Weatherspoons, will he now be throwing his not inconsiderable weight behind this preferable development that the people of Thanet ahve told him they want via his own poll?
Will Driver FINALLY represent someone in Thanet...
With the result of the poll on his blogsite firmly in favour of Weatherspoons, will he now be throwing his not inconsiderable weight behind this preferable development that the people of Thanet ahve told him they want via his own poll?
Will Driver FINALLY represent someone in Thanet...
Friday, 15 November 2013
Driver caught bullshitting AGAIN!
Seems Driver and his minion James have been caught out peddling yet more bullshit. After posing a string of allegations about the recent demolition of a derelict eyesore, Driver made a string of allegations, as parroted by his minion James.
Few took him seriously (as usual most realise he was just leaping on a passing bandwagon), with a few notable exceptions, such as the proven moron, and Ramsgate's own village idiot Joe Turner for example.
Seems that the building company boss is prepared to expose Drivers grandstanding, showing with evidence, (you could learn from that James ;) ) that he has a solid legal footing to counter TDC's accusations, and Drivers's and his minions bullshit.
Go for it Mr Perlov, you have the support of the VAST majority of Thanet that long to see progress!
Few took him seriously (as usual most realise he was just leaping on a passing bandwagon), with a few notable exceptions, such as the proven moron, and Ramsgate's own village idiot Joe Turner for example.
Seems that the building company boss is prepared to expose Drivers grandstanding, showing with evidence, (you could learn from that James ;) ) that he has a solid legal footing to counter TDC's accusations, and Drivers's and his minions bullshit.
Go for it Mr Perlov, you have the support of the VAST majority of Thanet that long to see progress!
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
TDC getting it right!
It seems that TDC are getting a lot more right than wrong these days.
Their handling of the lease sale by Rank of the Royal Victoria Pavillion is a great example of a council acting in the best interests of the town it's responsible for, in spite of the usual whinging and whining by all the usual suspects, and Driver desperately trying to find a way to rubbish TDC for doing exactly the right thing.
Similarly, the proposals to use the port as a small container port are a great step forward. In this case, try as Driver might, the best he can do is find a small part of the plan to attack, as of course he couldn't possibly represent the people he lied to when he got elected, and support clearly a great plan for the port.
The only other voices against such a great proposal are Drivers usual minions, peons and apologists, who as always contribute nothing, and whine at everything that is ever proposed for Thanet.
"where is plan B they" they whine, yet when challenged, as usual they have nothing.
It seems that at LAST TDC is starting to ignore the whining of these worthless individuals, and doign what's best for Thanet, and it's inhabitants, and the silent majority who just wish the usual subjects would STFU and disappear, they contribute nothing, they offer nothing, and have no value, and I am very happen to see them finally being rightly sidelined.
Well done TDC, you're going in the right direction!
Monday, 4 November 2013
Business as usual..
Once again, tragically, it's business as usual in Thanet!
The usual suspects attack TDC for allegedly allowing a company with (they claim) no experience ot track record to secure the pleasurama site.
An investor with a proven successful track record comes forward to bring back into use a building that has laid empty for 6+ years, and is immediately attacked by the usual alliance of nimbys, self serving media whores, scaremongers, luddites, talking heads and bullshitters.
An eyesore is torn down, and media whore Driver leaps immediately onto a passing bandwagon claiming rules must be followed or terrible penalities should be the consequence.
Driver then breaks council rules to film a council meeting, in another attempt to secure a few more precious column inches!
No wonder Thanet is rapidly turning into a shithole. It seems those who are prepared to attack any and all attempts to move forward in Thanet are those that contribute the least. If they are allowed to prevail, sadly we will end up with a Thanet as bland, colourless, empty and vacuous as they are, so that they can feel comfortable, whilst they try to blame those who TRIED to rescue Thanet from these pathetic whining nimbys!
The usual suspects attack TDC for allegedly allowing a company with (they claim) no experience ot track record to secure the pleasurama site.
An investor with a proven successful track record comes forward to bring back into use a building that has laid empty for 6+ years, and is immediately attacked by the usual alliance of nimbys, self serving media whores, scaremongers, luddites, talking heads and bullshitters.
An eyesore is torn down, and media whore Driver leaps immediately onto a passing bandwagon claiming rules must be followed or terrible penalities should be the consequence.
Driver then breaks council rules to film a council meeting, in another attempt to secure a few more precious column inches!
No wonder Thanet is rapidly turning into a shithole. It seems those who are prepared to attack any and all attempts to move forward in Thanet are those that contribute the least. If they are allowed to prevail, sadly we will end up with a Thanet as bland, colourless, empty and vacuous as they are, so that they can feel comfortable, whilst they try to blame those who TRIED to rescue Thanet from these pathetic whining nimbys!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Is "Iconic" the most over used word in Thanet?
It seems that every building in Thanet that the nimbys either want to whine about, or wish to use toi defend some other cause they want to whine about gets labeled as iconic.
Surely Iconic should mean just that.
Lets look at what has been called iconic, and what it REALLY is for a moment;
Arlington Tower - Iconic = 18 story slum
Dreamland - Iconic = derelict amusement park, past it's sell by date a LONG time ago
Scenic railways - Iconic = burnt out, past it roller coaster, surpassed many many years ago
Pleasurama - Iconic - no
Ramsgate Royal harbour - iconic = small harbour, with royal in the title. How many visited because the word "royal" appears in the title I wonder..
The slipways at Ramsgate harbour - Iconic = unprofitable ex industrial equipment
I could go on and on, but I think that will suffice to show what these clueless clowns are worth.
i·con (
Surely Iconic should mean just that.
Lets look at what has been called iconic, and what it REALLY is for a moment;
Arlington Tower - Iconic = 18 story slum
Dreamland - Iconic = derelict amusement park, past it's sell by date a LONG time ago
Scenic railways - Iconic = burnt out, past it roller coaster, surpassed many many years ago
Pleasurama - Iconic - no
Ramsgate Royal harbour - iconic = small harbour, with royal in the title. How many visited because the word "royal" appears in the title I wonder..
The slipways at Ramsgate harbour - Iconic = unprofitable ex industrial equipment
I could go on and on, but I think that will suffice to show what these clueless clowns are worth.
i·con (

1. also i·kon (

a. An image; a representation.
A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian
personage, traditionally used and venerated in the Eastern Church.
2. An important and enduring symbol: "Voyager will take its place ... alongside such icons of airborne adventure as The Spirit of St. Louis and [the] Bell X-1" (William D. Marbach).
3. One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol: "He is ... a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation" (Harry F. Waters).
4. Computer Science A picture on a screen that represents a specific file, directory, window, option, or program.
Progress for Thanet, even MORE whining!
The usual suspects have been at it again it seems.
A LONG derelict building in Ramsgate is finally removed, hopefully the precursor of something better and far more useful for Ramsgate, Thanet and it's residents, or so you would think.
Out of the woodwork, we find our resident media whore Driver, with possibly the assistance of a convicted benefit thief from his old London stamping ground, to construct a bandwagon for Driver to once again try to scupper any and all progress in Thanet.
The Royal Pavillion, empty for many years, now finally has a possible new future, with TDC doing exactly the right thing, and extending the lease. But alas, it appears Driver wants to make an issue of this example of possible progress in Thanet. I'm betting the usual suspects will be there aswell, no doubt James, Dove, Jones etc will be whining, and trying to suggest it should be another "heritage centre" or equally unsustainable fairy tale, I know that "community uses" was being mentioned, for the foremost building with the greatest potential to attract visitors to Thanet. It seems that some in Thanet need to try to gain a rudimentary understanding of economics, property and business.
What are Drivers motives, in whining about progress one may ask? As per usual, it's certainly not the interests of his long suffering constituents, that have been denied representation since Driver lied to them at the last election.
But what's that I hear, aha, the clip clop of the horses pulling the bandwagon for the media whore Driver to be pulled through the streets of Thanet on.
A LONG derelict building in Ramsgate is finally removed, hopefully the precursor of something better and far more useful for Ramsgate, Thanet and it's residents, or so you would think.
Out of the woodwork, we find our resident media whore Driver, with possibly the assistance of a convicted benefit thief from his old London stamping ground, to construct a bandwagon for Driver to once again try to scupper any and all progress in Thanet.
The Royal Pavillion, empty for many years, now finally has a possible new future, with TDC doing exactly the right thing, and extending the lease. But alas, it appears Driver wants to make an issue of this example of possible progress in Thanet. I'm betting the usual suspects will be there aswell, no doubt James, Dove, Jones etc will be whining, and trying to suggest it should be another "heritage centre" or equally unsustainable fairy tale, I know that "community uses" was being mentioned, for the foremost building with the greatest potential to attract visitors to Thanet. It seems that some in Thanet need to try to gain a rudimentary understanding of economics, property and business.
What are Drivers motives, in whining about progress one may ask? As per usual, it's certainly not the interests of his long suffering constituents, that have been denied representation since Driver lied to them at the last election.
But what's that I hear, aha, the clip clop of the horses pulling the bandwagon for the media whore Driver to be pulled through the streets of Thanet on.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Drivers hypocrisy shines like a beacon!
It really does amuse me that Driver climbs upon the new winter bandwagon of people freezing to death (not content with climbing on the backs of children to gain media attention) in a comment that that condemns high fuel prices.
I have rarely seen a post ooze with more hypocrisy, bearing in mind that only a few days earlier, Driver the media whore was rabble rousing - nowhere near his constituency - to prevent a company from exploiting a potentially plentiful fuel supply, that would clearly assist in controlling the price of fuel.
But then far be it for Driver to let some freezing poor people stand in the way of his failing political music hall comedy act.
I have rarely seen a post ooze with more hypocrisy, bearing in mind that only a few days earlier, Driver the media whore was rabble rousing - nowhere near his constituency - to prevent a company from exploiting a potentially plentiful fuel supply, that would clearly assist in controlling the price of fuel.
But then far be it for Driver to let some freezing poor people stand in the way of his failing political music hall comedy act.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Driver continues to prove he's a joke!
So, bearing in mind that Driver used to be one of Arthur Scargils minions in the 80's as the NUM tried to bring the UK to it's knees (before of course stabbing him in the back, can you see a pattern developing.....) does it seem strange to anyone that Driver is now whining about mining for gas on site's that were once used to mine for coal?
You have to wonder when these areas were moved to within the boundaries of the ward he is supposed to represent, but then as we know, he hasn't represented anyone for a VERY long time :)
You have to wonder when these areas were moved to within the boundaries of the ward he is supposed to represent, but then as we know, he hasn't represented anyone for a VERY long time :)
Friday, 11 October 2013
James caught out AGAIN.
I see you are now posting as anonymous on Thanetonline James, what a dishonest waste of skin and organs you prove yourself to be yet AGAIN my boy!
Along with that fucking idiot smithson, who thinks he's 007, but isn't even as competent as Johnny English, and clown Driver, you really are The Threes fuckwitiers aren't you now HAHAHAHAHA. Wonder who I'll be accused of being next, the list lengthens in direct inverse proportion to the diminishing of the fuckwitiers credibility, in spite of my name STILL appearing on all my posts!
To funny!
Along with that fucking idiot smithson, who thinks he's 007, but isn't even as competent as Johnny English, and clown Driver, you really are The Threes fuckwitiers aren't you now HAHAHAHAHA. Wonder who I'll be accused of being next, the list lengthens in direct inverse proportion to the diminishing of the fuckwitiers credibility, in spite of my name STILL appearing on all my posts!
To funny!
Thursday, 10 October 2013
The farce continues
The Thanet nimbys, peons, nutters and wasters continue to amuse.
True to form, Driver and James have run away and hidden having been challenged and once again (of course) been found to be dishonest and totally wanting.The deluge of tawdry bollocks, threats and general spam from smithson continues to be as laughably worthless as it always has been. Just easier to manage now it's deleted with a single keystroke.
Then we have the amount of people I have been accused of being. There are several I have never heard of, some old tired occutard delusions, several councilors, a member of the public, I apparantly live in Broadstairs, and according to one particularly amusing Thanet clown, have a wife called Gill!
Honestly, it's almost a full time passtime laughing at the clowns, fools, bullshitters, liars, nimbys and fuckwits, but they are SO dam funny, it's hard not to rattle their cages from time to time, and laughing as anonymous posters accuse me of being anonymous because I have no need to meet these intellectually lacking peons for a happy cup of coffee!
These worthless fools certainly bring humour to Thanet, shame they have fuck all else of value to offer :)
True to form, Driver and James have run away and hidden having been challenged and once again (of course) been found to be dishonest and totally wanting.The deluge of tawdry bollocks, threats and general spam from smithson continues to be as laughably worthless as it always has been. Just easier to manage now it's deleted with a single keystroke.
Then we have the amount of people I have been accused of being. There are several I have never heard of, some old tired occutard delusions, several councilors, a member of the public, I apparantly live in Broadstairs, and according to one particularly amusing Thanet clown, have a wife called Gill!
Honestly, it's almost a full time passtime laughing at the clowns, fools, bullshitters, liars, nimbys and fuckwits, but they are SO dam funny, it's hard not to rattle their cages from time to time, and laughing as anonymous posters accuse me of being anonymous because I have no need to meet these intellectually lacking peons for a happy cup of coffee!
These worthless fools certainly bring humour to Thanet, shame they have fuck all else of value to offer :)
Monday, 7 October 2013
The amusement continues
You have to laugh, Just another day in Thanet!
James is still making accusations on all sorts of subjects, none which has the benefit of a shred of evidence, and some of which are outright lies, Driver manufactures another non story bandwagon, various intellectually lacking peons have tried to attack me (without success of course), and Margate's resident mucky photographer continues to display his ignorance.
Just another day in Thanet.
James is still making accusations on all sorts of subjects, none which has the benefit of a shred of evidence, and some of which are outright lies, Driver manufactures another non story bandwagon, various intellectually lacking peons have tried to attack me (without success of course), and Margate's resident mucky photographer continues to display his ignorance.
Just another day in Thanet.
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Why take Driver seriously...
Seeing as Driver can either;
1. not count correctly
2. Lies when it suits him
why does this clown think anyone will take his now well known media whoring seriously..
200 people present.......HAHAHAHAHAHA Yea right clown boy, why do'you take the picture down Driver!
1. not count correctly
2. Lies when it suits him
why does this clown think anyone will take his now well known media whoring seriously..
200 people present.......HAHAHAHAHAHA Yea right clown boy, why do'you take the picture down Driver!
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Oh dear, Seems snootiness is NOT dead!
It seems like elitism is alive and well in Ramsgate! Having established that Ms Dove really has little/nothing to to contribute to Thanet, she then goes on to prove what a nasty elitist woman she really is! Far be it from a PEASANT to appear in a picture on TDC's website!
Piss off Dove, nobody cares what you think, you have a completely unwarranted, and certainly undeserved superiority complex for someone with a clearly out of date and laughable agenda as you do. Your a joke Dove, as are your minions.
"I'm sorry Barry I can't get beyond the really horrible banner pic on the TDC website. What's going on here? Man in wife-beater vest, "pressing" his partner from behind whilst behind bars at the top of a cliff. What a grotesque promotional image...oh hang on it must be symbolic of everyone getting shafted by TDC! Unbelievably appalling!"
The picture
Piss off Dove, nobody cares what you think, you have a completely unwarranted, and certainly undeserved superiority complex for someone with a clearly out of date and laughable agenda as you do. Your a joke Dove, as are your minions.
"I'm sorry Barry I can't get beyond the really horrible banner pic on the TDC website. What's going on here? Man in wife-beater vest, "pressing" his partner from behind whilst behind bars at the top of a cliff. What a grotesque promotional image...oh hang on it must be symbolic of everyone getting shafted by TDC! Unbelievably appalling!"
The picture
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Who does Driver represent...
it would now appear that senior officers of Thanet District Council are
free to withhold information from elected councillors, but provide
that same information to the press! This is an extremely sad day for
local democracy in Thanet"
No Driver, you represent NOBODY, you have no mandate from anyone, having lied to get elected, and then changed allegiances 4 times since.
So Driver, you haven't been elected honestly by anyone, and have 0 credibility until you seek a further mandate at a by election, as you should have immediately you deserted the party whose coat tails you rode on to get into power.
"Thankfully 2015 is not far away and I sincerely hope that the good people of Thanet will take that opportunity to rid themselves of this thoroughly rotten political regime"
Oh that day cannot come fast enough, and I look forward to laughing heartily as the residents of Thanet deliver their 2nd resounding "FU Driver & FO"
No Driver, you represent NOBODY, you have no mandate from anyone, having lied to get elected, and then changed allegiances 4 times since.
So Driver, you haven't been elected honestly by anyone, and have 0 credibility until you seek a further mandate at a by election, as you should have immediately you deserted the party whose coat tails you rode on to get into power.
"Thankfully 2015 is not far away and I sincerely hope that the good people of Thanet will take that opportunity to rid themselves of this thoroughly rotten political regime"
Oh that day cannot come fast enough, and I look forward to laughing heartily as the residents of Thanet deliver their 2nd resounding "FU Driver & FO"
Hmm, who will help James discover what a fact is!
"7. THAT the Group considers inviting evidence in private session from a representative of the Friends of Ramsgate Seafront"
Hmm who will be doing that them? Nobody in the tragically and fatally flawed FORs nimby group have any idea what constitutes a fact. In fact their head bullshitter general James was even forced, under threat of legal action to retract lies he posted relating to a well known Kent construction company.
I wonder if they have managed to secure their 1st fact as yet, or will their BS and lies now be exposed, or is that why they are being protected in a private session, what happened to the transparent government they whine about ......
Hmm who will be doing that them? Nobody in the tragically and fatally flawed FORs nimby group have any idea what constitutes a fact. In fact their head bullshitter general James was even forced, under threat of legal action to retract lies he posted relating to a well known Kent construction company.
I wonder if they have managed to secure their 1st fact as yet, or will their BS and lies now be exposed, or is that why they are being protected in a private session, what happened to the transparent government they whine about ......
Driver once again ignores those he lied to.
Driver once again ignores those he lied to to get dishonestly elected to TDC. Having been given a resounding FU from the Ramsgate electorate at the KCC elections, he now seems to be acting as if that never happened, and is now seeking the media attention the media whore craves by involving himself in an issue that has nothing to do with the poor people that where tricked into voting for this clown.
Why does Driver, if he is SO sure of the support of the people he lied to, return to the polls to seek the mandate he clearly doesn't currently enjoy? He clearly speaks for nobody, on any issue, yet refuses to explain why he won;t give the people he tricked the opportunity to rid themselves of this media whore once and for all.
GO Driver, you add nothing, and damage Thanet daily!
Why does Driver, if he is SO sure of the support of the people he lied to, return to the polls to seek the mandate he clearly doesn't currently enjoy? He clearly speaks for nobody, on any issue, yet refuses to explain why he won;t give the people he tricked the opportunity to rid themselves of this media whore once and for all.
GO Driver, you add nothing, and damage Thanet daily!
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Now let's see, whiners will whine
When you are an adult, when someone says something you don't like, even though it's true, what can you do, if there is no teacher to tell, or mummy who can make it all alright....
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
More flat earther's removed, EXCELLENT news!
Seems that there are STILL some dumbfucks that think socialism is a workable theory, rather than a joke that only the mentally impaired, gullible and outright stupid believe in!
Great to see Tesco's standing up for the VAST majority that support what Tesco's have to offer, and spitting on worthless socialists.
Worthless socialists removed to the joy of everyone else :)
I wonder who the blond one that looks like a poodle licking piss of a thistle is....
Great to see Tesco's standing up for the VAST majority that support what Tesco's have to offer, and spitting on worthless socialists.
Worthless socialists removed to the joy of everyone else :)
I wonder who the blond one that looks like a poodle licking piss of a thistle is....
There is an investor DARING to try to invest in a Thanet town!
These people are proposing building properties that people want to live in, , and that these people will bring new live to a derelict area, and they want to spend money in local businesses, HOW DARE THEY, THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
These people have the tumerity to suggest building new dwellings on land that has been derelict for some years, these bastards must be stopped!
Dove needs to whine about how it looks, James just needs to make up some bullshit about a local company, then post lies online, as his is usual habit, and perhaps Michael needs to worry about the FRA, after all, the sea is only 30 yards away, and the site does share the same history of being swept away as pleasurama and the station there before it do. Surely it would be appalling to not have a FRA in place before the building is built!
Get online and complain and object for all your worth IMMEDIATLY, this progress in Thanet cannot be allowed to happen, god forbid, perhaps there should be a swimming pool built, or maybe a park, all built with that imaginary money that TDC creates by magic that doesn't on any way increase council tax!
Progress can NOT be allowed to happen in Thanet DAMMIT!
Unacceptable suggestion for progress in Thanet
These people are proposing building properties that people want to live in, , and that these people will bring new live to a derelict area, and they want to spend money in local businesses, HOW DARE THEY, THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
These people have the tumerity to suggest building new dwellings on land that has been derelict for some years, these bastards must be stopped!
Dove needs to whine about how it looks, James just needs to make up some bullshit about a local company, then post lies online, as his is usual habit, and perhaps Michael needs to worry about the FRA, after all, the sea is only 30 yards away, and the site does share the same history of being swept away as pleasurama and the station there before it do. Surely it would be appalling to not have a FRA in place before the building is built!
Get online and complain and object for all your worth IMMEDIATLY, this progress in Thanet cannot be allowed to happen, god forbid, perhaps there should be a swimming pool built, or maybe a park, all built with that imaginary money that TDC creates by magic that doesn't on any way increase council tax!
Progress can NOT be allowed to happen in Thanet DAMMIT!
Unacceptable suggestion for progress in Thanet
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Oh dear oh dear
"John Humiliton is ...
My mother always said "If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all".
Is that while she was trying to work out who your dad was from the LONG list of suspects Pengelly...
Love it when they try to dish it, but whine like bitches when it's returned WAY better ;)
Is that while she was trying to work out who your dad was from the LONG list of suspects Pengelly...
Love it when they try to dish it, but whine like bitches when it's returned WAY better ;)
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Have we found the reason behind Drivers latest round of bandwagon manufacture...
Could it possibly be true?
Could Drivers latest foray into political failure and rejection possibly be as Mayor! Could the latest opportunity to laugh at the daft and dishonest old tard be when he loses is as spectacular fashion as his UTTER rejection at the KCC elections?
What is an "Independant Green Thanet Mayor/MP"? Is it simply a concoction of Drivers as he knows he will abandon whatever party is stupid enough to give him resources and support, and so that he's not caught lying for the 4th time!
Oh Thanet politics, I couldn't make this up and get it published as comedy, it would be labeled as to far fetched! Driver makes Zimbabwean politics look honest!
The route to Drivers next utter rejection..
What is an "Independant Green Thanet Mayor/MP"? Is it simply a concoction of Drivers as he knows he will abandon whatever party is stupid enough to give him resources and support, and so that he's not caught lying for the 4th time!
Oh Thanet politics, I couldn't make this up and get it published as comedy, it would be labeled as to far fetched! Driver makes Zimbabwean politics look honest!
The route to Drivers next utter rejection..
James caught lying AGAIN!
"FORS has never thrown any real people out of their FB page. People leave
and join on their own. hammy was removed by FB due to the volume of
complaints made against his trolling as evidenced by the removal of his
vile posting on the site"
Oh James, i'm not sure if your simply a bald faced liar, or an incompetent. FORS has never booted a real person? Well, now let's see. Although FB will automatically remove the majority of comments complained about, and sometimes even suspend accounts, they do NOT and never have removed people from groups. Hence I was almost certainly removed by Kandy, if not the only other admin at the time, who is SO irrelevant, I can;t remember the poor ole dear's name.
These facts means that your statement "FORS has never thrown any real people out of their FB page" is clearly yet another lie you purport to present as a fact. Try to post a fact James there's a good boy, it will save you being labeled a liar by everyone with a triple figure IQ in Thanet ;)
Oh James, i'm not sure if your simply a bald faced liar, or an incompetent. FORS has never booted a real person? Well, now let's see. Although FB will automatically remove the majority of comments complained about, and sometimes even suspend accounts, they do NOT and never have removed people from groups. Hence I was almost certainly removed by Kandy, if not the only other admin at the time, who is SO irrelevant, I can;t remember the poor ole dear's name.
These facts means that your statement "FORS has never thrown any real people out of their FB page" is clearly yet another lie you purport to present as a fact. Try to post a fact James there's a good boy, it will save you being labeled a liar by everyone with a triple figure IQ in Thanet ;)
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
My fame is spreading fast!
I see that I am now the head of a "coven"..
How entertaining, the head of a covern that simply spends it's time exposing liars, dishonest politicians, dishonest "investigators" such as James, nimbys and gouging Margate B&B owners, that would be a great place to be indeed.
However, clearly I need no assistance, and BTW, my name is, as always, at the beginning of this post ;)
How entertaining, the head of a covern that simply spends it's time exposing liars, dishonest politicians, dishonest "investigators" such as James, nimbys and gouging Margate B&B owners, that would be a great place to be indeed.
However, clearly I need no assistance, and BTW, my name is, as always, at the beginning of this post ;)
Saturday, 7 September 2013
The infamous email..
I'm not sure which is funnier, the fact the Drivers monkey shouts from the rooftops that she has a mail from the head of Cardys, only to later has to backpedal that it APPEARS she MAY have a mail from him, or whether while she is using it as a basis to peddle her laughable comic, Driver is publishing the mail they CLAIM is from Cardy's head online!!!!
If that weren't funny enough, James get's properly and correctly slated, and the mail is so poor that anyone believing it to contain anything genuine would have to be a mentally impaired fuckwit! They can;t even get the gender of the CEO right, yet Driver is convinced!
I bet the people that elected the dishonest lying and disingenuous joke that is Driver must hold their head in their hands and wonder what they were thinking!
You can't write comedy that good!
If that weren't funny enough, James get's properly and correctly slated, and the mail is so poor that anyone believing it to contain anything genuine would have to be a mentally impaired fuckwit! They can;t even get the gender of the CEO right, yet Driver is convinced!
I bet the people that elected the dishonest lying and disingenuous joke that is Driver must hold their head in their hands and wonder what they were thinking!
You can't write comedy that good!
Friday, 6 September 2013
Hmm, James has been busy..
Poor ole James and bandwagon jumping specialist Driver must have been busy with their usual brand of bullshit, I could smell their bullshit all over Thanet today!
Saturday, 31 August 2013
I MAY have inadvertantly deleted a comment
I may have deleted a comment in error earlier this evening.
If you commented on this blog and it hasn't appeared, please repost, and I will publish (not you smithson, you're a cock whose comments are to laughable to be posted)
Sorry for any inconvenience
If you commented on this blog and it hasn't appeared, please repost, and I will publish (not you smithson, you're a cock whose comments are to laughable to be posted)
Sorry for any inconvenience
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Drivers latest bandwagon
I am bemused.
Why is a washed up, dishonest, rabble rousing failed local councilor making sweeping statements about a middle eastern country several 1000's of miles away...
Oh yes, of course, there MIGHT be some media coverage coming that the media whore Driver so desperately thrives on, and he hasn't got a popular bandwagon to ride on at the moment :)
Why is a washed up, dishonest, rabble rousing failed local councilor making sweeping statements about a middle eastern country several 1000's of miles away...
Oh yes, of course, there MIGHT be some media coverage coming that the media whore Driver so desperately thrives on, and he hasn't got a popular bandwagon to ride on at the moment :)
Nigel Farage has the measure of Driver
"UKIP Leader, Nigel Farage, has been described by Kent Green Party as “dangerously ignorant”
following his comments about fracking made whilst visiting Dover and Deal"
Seems even those from further afield than Thanet have the perfect measure of Driver. He has once again been identified as the incompetent rabble rousing clown, desperately seeking his newest bandwagon.
Seems even those from further afield than Thanet have the perfect measure of Driver. He has once again been identified as the incompetent rabble rousing clown, desperately seeking his newest bandwagon.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Failed occutard Andy Scott...
Why is failed occutard Andy Scott so bigoted, xenophobic and racist, and why do some admins of some of the more poorly run Facebook groups allow him to publicise his appalling rascism...
Sunday, 25 August 2013
The occutardery fail UTTERLY again
Trip to Folkstone leaving Thanet tomoro for the great sleep out in protest of the bedroom tax.
please PM if interested
Share · August 23 at 3:34pmplease PM if interested
- Eva Silver likes this.
HAHAHAHAHAHA 1 answer and 6 people saw the post, nothing occuring in Thanet, so the 1 remaining occutard has to impose himself on Folkestone
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Occupy, proving again and again to be nothing more than a bunch of laughable dumbfucks.
Friday, 23 August 2013
Does Clare Dove have any useful purpose whatsoever...
I am struggling to find any useful purpose that Clare Dove fulfills, other than reminding us how UTTERLY clueless socialists really are.
Between her and Drivers monkey (who seems to have finally crawled back under her stone, have seen any of her 5th rate home movies appearing for a while) it seems that their only aim in life is to stop any and all progress for Thanet.
Between her and Drivers monkey (who seems to have finally crawled back under her stone, have seen any of her 5th rate home movies appearing for a while) it seems that their only aim in life is to stop any and all progress for Thanet.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Benefits culture alive and well in Margate
Just found a GREAT image!
Here you will see a collection of worthless unemployed whiners, claiming they don;t get enough benefit, that they get in exchange for doing absolutely nothing.
In this amazing picture, you will see 16 "people", with 9 banners, protesting to absolutely nobody, about a "tax" that doesn't actually exist. They are simply trying to persuade those of us who work to pay tax, to keep a roof over their sorry arses, that that roof should be as big as THEY choose, no matter what the cost to those of us paying for them.
It's really very simple, want to live in a 3 bedroom house on your own, when your poisoned spawn have moved into their own council house, GET A JOB, AND PAY FOR IT.
Feel free to laugh at these wasters (including it seems Drivers Monkey) in further images posted on the page of one of their sorry apologists
A foolish apoloigist for a protesters against a non existent "tax"
YOU are keeping families in bedsits, and sponging of the rest of us, languishing in houses of a size you no longer need, and are NOT entitled to, unless YOU intend to pay for it :)
Here you will see a collection of worthless unemployed whiners, claiming they don;t get enough benefit, that they get in exchange for doing absolutely nothing.
In this amazing picture, you will see 16 "people", with 9 banners, protesting to absolutely nobody, about a "tax" that doesn't actually exist. They are simply trying to persuade those of us who work to pay tax, to keep a roof over their sorry arses, that that roof should be as big as THEY choose, no matter what the cost to those of us paying for them.
It's really very simple, want to live in a 3 bedroom house on your own, when your poisoned spawn have moved into their own council house, GET A JOB, AND PAY FOR IT.
Feel free to laugh at these wasters (including it seems Drivers Monkey) in further images posted on the page of one of their sorry apologists
A foolish apoloigist for a protesters against a non existent "tax"
YOU are keeping families in bedsits, and sponging of the rest of us, languishing in houses of a size you no longer need, and are NOT entitled to, unless YOU intend to pay for it :)
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Having fun in Thanet
For all the nimbys and whining morons in Margate, the whining morons, liars, fools and clueless oxygen thieves in Ramsgate, and the foolish whining dimwits in the rest of Thanet, here is what it's like to have fun!
No complaining about everything and anything that is different to the way it "used to be done" and without expecting everyone else to pay through taxation so that their support group for;
Disadvantaged minority womens issues in the Somali conurbations and under privileged areas in Africa and ex British colonies, fighting for the human rights of those with size 4 (or less) feet, who suffer from the privations caused by the whitewashing of the discrimination that those people who suffer smallfootism have to deal with every day.
Or perhaps the site of yet ANOTHER suggested "heritage centre" for Thanet, if they all get built, there will be one every 10 yards!
Enjoy this link, this is proof there are NORMAL people in Thanet, just some loud mouthed morons in Margate and Ramsgate who really need to STFU ;)
People having FUN in Thanet! Watch and learn my little protesters everywhere!
No complaining about everything and anything that is different to the way it "used to be done" and without expecting everyone else to pay through taxation so that their support group for;
Disadvantaged minority womens issues in the Somali conurbations and under privileged areas in Africa and ex British colonies, fighting for the human rights of those with size 4 (or less) feet, who suffer from the privations caused by the whitewashing of the discrimination that those people who suffer smallfootism have to deal with every day.
Or perhaps the site of yet ANOTHER suggested "heritage centre" for Thanet, if they all get built, there will be one every 10 yards!
Enjoy this link, this is proof there are NORMAL people in Thanet, just some loud mouthed morons in Margate and Ramsgate who really need to STFU ;)
People having FUN in Thanet! Watch and learn my little protesters everywhere!
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Driver has a new bandwagon!
Having tried to keep in the media by riding on the backs of disadvantaged children, and animals, media whore Driver has now leapt upon the Fracking bandwagon.
I wonder where they are going to be utilising the fracking method of mining in media whore Driver's ward...
I wonder where they are going to be utilising the fracking method of mining in media whore Driver's ward...
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Thanet's special people..
Thanet seems to be almost unique in the UK.
Having been hit hard by people's changing holiday habits, Thanet appears to have been hit harder than most when it comes to decline and failure to move on from it's heyday, and embrace the future.
It however seems that any development of any kind will be attacked and objected to by a tiny but very noisy band of nimbys. The list is long, but to name a few;
Development of Manston, non development of Manston, Tesco at Westgate and Arlington, WWX when it was proposed, pleasurama, Dreamland, the amusements at Ramsgate when they were closed, The amusements at Ramsgate when they re opened, the motor museum, Royal Pavillion for being derelict AND for any proposals to use it for any commercial activity, the slipway at Ramsgate, a swimming pool, a fire station.....
I'm sure I have missed a few out!
These people have no clue as to how reality or economics work! So far pretty much EVERY development is met with the cry "it should be a heritage centre/gallery/craft shop/farmers market/Sealife centre!
How many heritage centres can a town support! These people need to be put in their place, and have it made very clear to them they have no worthwhile purpose, and that they appear to have Champagne taste and beer money, but have no clue how to pay for either.
I would LOVE a Ferrari F40, but I am forced to drive an Audi as I can't afford a Ferrari, there's a lesson there for these people ;)
Having been hit hard by people's changing holiday habits, Thanet appears to have been hit harder than most when it comes to decline and failure to move on from it's heyday, and embrace the future.
It however seems that any development of any kind will be attacked and objected to by a tiny but very noisy band of nimbys. The list is long, but to name a few;
Development of Manston, non development of Manston, Tesco at Westgate and Arlington, WWX when it was proposed, pleasurama, Dreamland, the amusements at Ramsgate when they were closed, The amusements at Ramsgate when they re opened, the motor museum, Royal Pavillion for being derelict AND for any proposals to use it for any commercial activity, the slipway at Ramsgate, a swimming pool, a fire station.....
I'm sure I have missed a few out!
These people have no clue as to how reality or economics work! So far pretty much EVERY development is met with the cry "it should be a heritage centre/gallery/craft shop/farmers market/Sealife centre!
How many heritage centres can a town support! These people need to be put in their place, and have it made very clear to them they have no worthwhile purpose, and that they appear to have Champagne taste and beer money, but have no clue how to pay for either.
I would LOVE a Ferrari F40, but I am forced to drive an Audi as I can't afford a Ferrari, there's a lesson there for these people ;)
Saturday, 3 August 2013
More clueless protesters!
Don't you just LOVE protesters who are SO clueless they don't even understand the implications of their own protests.
Take a particularly vacant occutard,
"Andy Scott it's a start but if we really are going to get away from petrol then a lot more of these chargers will need to be installed, 97 is just not enough and then perhaps more people may be encouraged to buy cars with alternative power sources"
Oh dear Scott, it seems you prove just how utterly clueless you are with ever post you make! Just a few pointers for you to learn from;
1. "97 is just not enough" No shit Sherlock
2. "more people may be encouraged to buy cars with alternative power sources" - now how do you think all the energy to charge these silly little cars will come from
3. Where do you think the HUGE amount of energy required to build the batteries for them comes from
4. How many people have to travel further than 60 miles a day and don;t have 4 hours to wait to charge their leaf before carrying on...
5. Who would have the £30k to spend on a car with a 30 mile radius...
Seems you still haven't learnt to think problems through Scott ;)
Take a particularly vacant occutard,
"Andy Scott it's a start but if we really are going to get away from petrol then a lot more of these chargers will need to be installed, 97 is just not enough and then perhaps more people may be encouraged to buy cars with alternative power sources"
Oh dear Scott, it seems you prove just how utterly clueless you are with ever post you make! Just a few pointers for you to learn from;
1. "97 is just not enough" No shit Sherlock
2. "more people may be encouraged to buy cars with alternative power sources" - now how do you think all the energy to charge these silly little cars will come from
3. Where do you think the HUGE amount of energy required to build the batteries for them comes from
4. How many people have to travel further than 60 miles a day and don;t have 4 hours to wait to charge their leaf before carrying on...
5. Who would have the £30k to spend on a car with a 30 mile radius...
Seems you still haven't learnt to think problems through Scott ;)
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Arlington House, Margate NEARLY saved!
Margate was NEARLY saved from the blight it has suffered for the last 50 years, when the slim at Arlington house caught fire.
Happily nobody was hurt, sadly the slum was saved.
Happily nobody was hurt, sadly the slum was saved.
Oh Driver, it's SO easy!
Why does Driver find such SUCH simple things SO hard to understand..
here we have the ridiculous spectacle of one of the Council's most
senior financial mangers apparently proposing to break the law of the
land, flout the Audit Commission's guidance and ignore the Council's
own published rules about the right to copy documents related to the
annual accounts.
You couldn't make this up!!! "
Now lets see, why wouldn't Driver be given access to confidential documents....
OH YES!!!!! Because he's a dishonest and lying fool who will publish them in the public arena as he has ADMITTED and has a record of doing in the past!
His election record, and bandwagon jumping prove that he clearly cannot be trusted, and TDC quite rightly are not likely to give the clown access to confidential documents.
A 3 year old can grasp this, but going on past experience, it's no surprise Driver is SO clueless.
You couldn't make this up!!! "
Now lets see, why wouldn't Driver be given access to confidential documents....
OH YES!!!!! Because he's a dishonest and lying fool who will publish them in the public arena as he has ADMITTED and has a record of doing in the past!
His election record, and bandwagon jumping prove that he clearly cannot be trusted, and TDC quite rightly are not likely to give the clown access to confidential documents.
A 3 year old can grasp this, but going on past experience, it's no surprise Driver is SO clueless.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Pleasurama FACTS
Unlike James's now deleted bullshit re Cardy's, (I genuinely hope he is now being persued and will be held to account for his bullshit by Cardy's solicitors, I have warned him many times about posting his baseless bullshit, lets hope he forced to pay fot it this time!) here are some facts about the Pleasurama development, and the current situation;
"I think a court may have some sympathy with the developer when the judge reads the evidence
1). TDC Councillor has been working behind the scenes to stop SFP's funding sources
2). Considerable delays on the site caused by TDC and the Cliff Face works
3). Global economy crisis for the last years (I think the judge might already be aware of this one)
4). A catalogue of admin errors by TDC executives
5). Slander and defamation of character claims
6) It wouldnt be hard for the developer to give many other examples of developments in Thanet which TDC have helped to stall
7). TDC sold the site on the basis that it was deemed suitable for the development irrespective of the position on FRA
8). The claim from the developer could add up to a few bob. £5million invested, interest on those monies over the last 5 years @£500k per year would grow the sum to £7.5million, plus legal costs, plus settleemnt claim from Cardy. I am sure it will be growing to closer to £10million by the time it is finished"
Perhaps the clowns of FORS would do well to aquiant themselves with the real world, and seperate themselves from the socialist agitators that have taken over the site now that Driver has abandoned it.
"I think a court may have some sympathy with the developer when the judge reads the evidence
1). TDC Councillor has been working behind the scenes to stop SFP's funding sources
2). Considerable delays on the site caused by TDC and the Cliff Face works
3). Global economy crisis for the last years (I think the judge might already be aware of this one)
4). A catalogue of admin errors by TDC executives
5). Slander and defamation of character claims
6) It wouldnt be hard for the developer to give many other examples of developments in Thanet which TDC have helped to stall
7). TDC sold the site on the basis that it was deemed suitable for the development irrespective of the position on FRA
8). The claim from the developer could add up to a few bob. £5million invested, interest on those monies over the last 5 years @£500k per year would grow the sum to £7.5million, plus legal costs, plus settleemnt claim from Cardy. I am sure it will be growing to closer to £10million by the time it is finished"
Perhaps the clowns of FORS would do well to aquiant themselves with the real world, and seperate themselves from the socialist agitators that have taken over the site now that Driver has abandoned it.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Driver the media whore
Now lets see, can anyone suggest the operative words in this quote from the media whore himself..
"A friendly reception from festival goers good TV and Radio coverage"
Anyone to to have a guess ;)
"A friendly reception from festival goers good TV and Radio coverage"
Anyone to to have a guess ;)
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Ahhhhhhh Driver's plan becomes clear!
Drivers plan to try to get elected in 2015 becomes clear!
Having lied to the electorate in the last election, been totally rejected this year in the KCC elections, it seems he is trying a new more inventive, but equally dishonest method of electorate fooling for 2015, in addition to trying to gain media attention off the backs of disabled children!
I wonder if he will succeed...
Having lied to the electorate in the last election, been totally rejected this year in the KCC elections, it seems he is trying a new more inventive, but equally dishonest method of electorate fooling for 2015, in addition to trying to gain media attention off the backs of disabled children!
I wonder if he will succeed...
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
The reprehensible rat Driver seeks publicity on the back of disabled children!
Not content with waiting for others to find bandwagons to leap onto, driver seeks to manufacture his own!
Not content with mis leading the electorate to gain election representing a party he clearly used as a vehicle simply to get elected, he has now leapt on every passing bandwagon to keep his name in the media, with the fruitless hope that he will somehow make progress from with the 97% of voters that rejected him in the recent KCC election.
Now however he has sunk to a new low, even for him! He now seeks to make an issue of a sign, commemorating the good works of a school in the 60's, because the plaque contains the word "spastic", the name of the charity that made the award!
He tries to claim that it's a discrimination and human rights issue, and that it causes offence! Who to Driver! You really are the WORST kind of ambulance chaser, but at least until now, you were just a harmless, if noisy unpleasant buffoon, Thanet's very own village idiot.
Now however, you seek to construct false offence, which nobody else feels, from a harmless sign, bringing to the fore a method of bullying which YOU are now creating!
Driver was always a nasty and unpleasant little man, but making media capital from disabled children is even low for Driver! Most of us are offended by his dishonest method of getting elected, and want him to stand for a by election so he can be booted out on his sorry arse, as he has no visible support, but alas, Driver will not show the same values he expects others to show.
The poor headmaster who has to deal with Thanet's own village idiot will now have his attentions diverted from educating kids that need a good education, to dealing with a useless and dishonest buffon who is simply trying to generate media coverage for his own ends!
Not content with mis leading the electorate to gain election representing a party he clearly used as a vehicle simply to get elected, he has now leapt on every passing bandwagon to keep his name in the media, with the fruitless hope that he will somehow make progress from with the 97% of voters that rejected him in the recent KCC election.
Now however he has sunk to a new low, even for him! He now seeks to make an issue of a sign, commemorating the good works of a school in the 60's, because the plaque contains the word "spastic", the name of the charity that made the award!
He tries to claim that it's a discrimination and human rights issue, and that it causes offence! Who to Driver! You really are the WORST kind of ambulance chaser, but at least until now, you were just a harmless, if noisy unpleasant buffoon, Thanet's very own village idiot.
Now however, you seek to construct false offence, which nobody else feels, from a harmless sign, bringing to the fore a method of bullying which YOU are now creating!
Driver was always a nasty and unpleasant little man, but making media capital from disabled children is even low for Driver! Most of us are offended by his dishonest method of getting elected, and want him to stand for a by election so he can be booted out on his sorry arse, as he has no visible support, but alas, Driver will not show the same values he expects others to show.
The poor headmaster who has to deal with Thanet's own village idiot will now have his attentions diverted from educating kids that need a good education, to dealing with a useless and dishonest buffon who is simply trying to generate media coverage for his own ends!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Smithson once again blows it out his arse
"Now John. If I were a different man, i would come knocking on your door tonight"
Left wing agitaters have never been anything other than gobby clueless pussies, and smithson proves nothing has changed ;)
Cllr Poole's summation of Smithson really couldn't be more correct :)
Left wing agitaters have never been anything other than gobby clueless pussies, and smithson proves nothing has changed ;)
Cllr Poole's summation of Smithson really couldn't be more correct :)
Alan Poole proves to be an excellent judge of character
Duncan Smithson - Alan Poole called me a prick tonight
Well it seems that Cllr Poole has hit the nail squarely on the head, possibly understating the case somewhat, by necessity of employing a little diplomacy.
I would think "worthless prick" would be more accurate, and certainly undeniably correct.
Well it seems that Cllr Poole has hit the nail squarely on the head, possibly understating the case somewhat, by necessity of employing a little diplomacy.
I would think "worthless prick" would be more accurate, and certainly undeniably correct.
The red revolution hits Thanet
You really do have to laugh.
Now a few decades to late, the red revolution comes to Thanet. I nearly fell out of my chair when someone sent me this precious little post. I haven;t heard rhetoric this vacuous and childish since the 70's.
It's entertaining that the poster claims 140 attendee's, Driver claimed 200, seems left wing agitaters grasp of basic maths hasn't improved since they were thankfuly removed from power, and Drivers honesty is as credible as it has ever been.
Re nationalising services, hang on just a minute.....
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA or what about a general strike, and "revolutionary activities".......... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Keep it coming, comedy like this you can't write, nobody would believe it :)
"The Peoples Assemby is a great place to go and voice your opinion and connect with others from different activist groups, we should unite under one struggle. We are being attacked on all fronts, find your nearest one and head to it. We had one down in Thanet we had speakers from Labour, Green Party and KONP. There was a great frustration and a agreement in the room with 140 people attending that no government would bring us the alternatives we demands. There was applauds when it was suggested we should re-nationalizing services, to rent control and savior of the NHS. There was calls for 24 hours general strike to revolutionary activities to prevent us from having to fight this way time and time again when the government takes back repeatedly everything we have always fought for. Voice your opinions, unite the fight and join your local concerned community.
Now a few decades to late, the red revolution comes to Thanet. I nearly fell out of my chair when someone sent me this precious little post. I haven;t heard rhetoric this vacuous and childish since the 70's.
It's entertaining that the poster claims 140 attendee's, Driver claimed 200, seems left wing agitaters grasp of basic maths hasn't improved since they were thankfuly removed from power, and Drivers honesty is as credible as it has ever been.
Re nationalising services, hang on just a minute.....
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA or what about a general strike, and "revolutionary activities".......... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Keep it coming, comedy like this you can't write, nobody would believe it :)
"The Peoples Assemby is a great place to go and voice your opinion and connect with others from different activist groups, we should unite under one struggle. We are being attacked on all fronts, find your nearest one and head to it. We had one down in Thanet we had speakers from Labour, Green Party and KONP. There was a great frustration and a agreement in the room with 140 people attending that no government would bring us the alternatives we demands. There was applauds when it was suggested we should re-nationalizing services, to rent control and savior of the NHS. There was calls for 24 hours general strike to revolutionary activities to prevent us from having to fight this way time and time again when the government takes back repeatedly everything we have always fought for. Voice your opinions, unite the fight and join your local concerned community.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Anarchists, socialists and other wasters..
go to the trouble to demonstrate how little support they enjoy. It is roughtly equivilent to the area in square feet that they occupy in the attached picture, in relation to the area of the whole of thanet!
lack of support for the whiners
Picture credit to Simon Moores, the link is to his excellent blog, the story connected with the picture can be found here where he goes on to make some perfectly argued and highly relevant points.
lack of support for the whiners
Picture credit to Simon Moores, the link is to his excellent blog, the story connected with the picture can be found here where he goes on to make some perfectly argued and highly relevant points.
This is SO obvious!
They won't give you confidential information Driver is because you have PROVED you simply cannot be trusted, why can't you get that through your thick head Driver!
Driver manufacturing bandwagons
As Driver becomes more and more desperate, he has now taken to manufacturing bandwagons!
Not happy that SCOPE used to have a different name, the daft twat is now making a nuisance of himself in the realm of education, trying to garner media coverage off the backs of disabled children!
The Spastics Society awarded a school a plaque to acknowledge that it raised money to help the charity some years ago. Driver in his infinate stupidity, now suggests that the Spastics Society/Scope should waste money making a new plaque, with a word other that "Spastic" as he has decided that it's offensive, inspite of it being the name of the charity that awarded the plaque!!
What happens next, anyone who was happy prior to 1980 must have ALL references to them being gay, as they might be offended...
Is there no level below which the reprehensible little turd that is Driver will not stoop in order to try to salvage his dying and untruthful political career! Why won't you stand for a by election Driver...
Not happy that SCOPE used to have a different name, the daft twat is now making a nuisance of himself in the realm of education, trying to garner media coverage off the backs of disabled children!
The Spastics Society awarded a school a plaque to acknowledge that it raised money to help the charity some years ago. Driver in his infinate stupidity, now suggests that the Spastics Society/Scope should waste money making a new plaque, with a word other that "Spastic" as he has decided that it's offensive, inspite of it being the name of the charity that awarded the plaque!!
What happens next, anyone who was happy prior to 1980 must have ALL references to them being gay, as they might be offended...
Is there no level below which the reprehensible little turd that is Driver will not stoop in order to try to salvage his dying and untruthful political career! Why won't you stand for a by election Driver...
Driver caught in another lie...
Oh Driver, he does cut a tragic figure these days, desperately leaping on ANY bandwagon he can find! And when he can't find one, he tries to invent them! (see other thread)
Now lets see, there are 150 chairs setout in the picture of the socialist fairy story meeting the other day, attached here.
From Drivers statement:
"The turnout was excellent. Almost 200 people by my estimation"
Now clearly, the question is, can Driver simply not count (his stance of the TEF situation would tend to bear this out) or is he an liar (every other utterances he makes would tend to bear this out).
Now lets see, there are 150 chairs setout in the picture of the socialist fairy story meeting the other day, attached here.
From Drivers statement:
"The turnout was excellent. Almost 200 people by my estimation"
Now clearly, the question is, can Driver simply not count (his stance of the TEF situation would tend to bear this out) or is he an liar (every other utterances he makes would tend to bear this out).
Friday, 5 July 2013
Cameron visits and is faced by an angry wanna be mob!
David Cameron visited the Tate yesterday, and was faced with the burning wrath of protest!!!!
The crowd SURGED forward causing the 3 or 4 police no trouble control controlling the aged women and tragic ole socialists as they fought to take a few faltering steps unaided.
In the words of a socialist agitator;
"Tens of protesters flooded Margate seafront today to protest about a variety of issues. Protests ranged from stopping live animal exports from Ramsgate (already moved to Dover, but sssssh don't tell them that ;) ) to shouting abuse at local RNLIB staff"
SO funny, even Driver didn't turn up, and as we know he would turn up to the opening of an envelope if the daft fool thought it would get in the paper!
The crowd SURGED forward causing the 3 or 4 police no trouble control controlling the aged women and tragic ole socialists as they fought to take a few faltering steps unaided.
In the words of a socialist agitator;
"Tens of protesters flooded Margate seafront today to protest about a variety of issues. Protests ranged from stopping live animal exports from Ramsgate (already moved to Dover, but sssssh don't tell them that ;) ) to shouting abuse at local RNLIB staff"
SO funny, even Driver didn't turn up, and as we know he would turn up to the opening of an envelope if the daft fool thought it would get in the paper!
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Drivers chickens come home to roost.
Having published years old confidential information to simply keep his sorry arse in the media, simply so he could stay upon a bandwagon he had once again leapt upon, the daft twat now seems surprised that TDC quite rightly won't release information to him re TEF!
For once TDC are 100% correct!
Thanet's bandwagon jumping specialist Driver will obviously publish it to try to construct some kind of bullshit to attack TDC with, so that he can garner some kind of media coverage.
Driver cannot be trusted, we have known that since he lied to the electorate about his allegence to get elected, then pulled the same abandoned each and every group (3 not including the one he was elected as a represenatative of) that has been stupid enough to give him a home! I think the only one left to him with he bails on the Green Party is the EDF! I wonder what his monkey will say when he makes that move!
He is DESPERATE now, as he knows he will be booted from office in 2015, having been rejected by 93% of the electorate! The only people who take him seriously are the poor discredited fools of FORS, and naive single issue clowns that obsess with trying to ensure no progress is made in any meaningful way in Thanet!
I wonder what bandwagon will be next for Driver, maybe give Aquiffer Man a call, it seems everyone laughs at them both, so they will be in good company ;)
For once TDC are 100% correct!
Thanet's bandwagon jumping specialist Driver will obviously publish it to try to construct some kind of bullshit to attack TDC with, so that he can garner some kind of media coverage.
Driver cannot be trusted, we have known that since he lied to the electorate about his allegence to get elected, then pulled the same abandoned each and every group (3 not including the one he was elected as a represenatative of) that has been stupid enough to give him a home! I think the only one left to him with he bails on the Green Party is the EDF! I wonder what his monkey will say when he makes that move!
He is DESPERATE now, as he knows he will be booted from office in 2015, having been rejected by 93% of the electorate! The only people who take him seriously are the poor discredited fools of FORS, and naive single issue clowns that obsess with trying to ensure no progress is made in any meaningful way in Thanet!
I wonder what bandwagon will be next for Driver, maybe give Aquiffer Man a call, it seems everyone laughs at them both, so they will be in good company ;)
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Saturday, 29 June 2013
You have to laugh!
I am starting to feel an affinity with Michael!
The blog administrator's life can be an entertaining one! But you also have to deal with worthless no marks such as poor ole socialist agitator Smithson. Nothing more than a spammer, the poor little twat posts to me over and over again, knowing of course that to spare him my ridicule over his low quality pap, I simply click on 'select all' followed by 'delete', and consign his amateurish BS to the place it clearly belongs, the world of deleted posts, unread.
I think the poor deluded wiper of other peoples bottoms think I read his posts LOL LOL, oh dear.
The blog administrator's life can be an entertaining one! But you also have to deal with worthless no marks such as poor ole socialist agitator Smithson. Nothing more than a spammer, the poor little twat posts to me over and over again, knowing of course that to spare him my ridicule over his low quality pap, I simply click on 'select all' followed by 'delete', and consign his amateurish BS to the place it clearly belongs, the world of deleted posts, unread.
I think the poor deluded wiper of other peoples bottoms think I read his posts LOL LOL, oh dear.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Why do the Arlington nimbys hate the old and disabled...
celebrate that the old and infirm at Arlington House, that the nimbys are claiming to
champion, will soon have all their shopping requirements on their doorstep! No
drive to Westwood, no traffic congestion, just a mere stroll from their
home to Tesco's right next door!
I CELEBRATE that the people the nimbys claim love Arlington are about to have their lives made substantially easier
Why do the nimbys try to make the lives of the disabled, elderly and infirm harder, why do they try to ensure they will continue to live in a hideous slum..
I CELEBRATE that the people the nimbys claim love Arlington are about to have their lives made substantially easier
Why do the nimbys try to make the lives of the disabled, elderly and infirm harder, why do they try to ensure they will continue to live in a hideous slum..
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
The nimbys are getting REALLY desperate!
Now for some amusement, one of the nimby's
supporters has started a "survey" which the link for which has been
circulated amoungst the various nimby, occutard and anti groups.
Whilst I expect that nimbys, class warriers and occutards from far and wide, who would protest being given £1,000,000 if it came from the foul profits of fascistic capilitalist pigs to swamp this pointless little "survey" why not give them the bloody noise they so richly deserve!
We nearly equal their numbers on this page now, very unusual for a pro anything page, the loud mouthed protesters are the ones with the issue, lets make them realise yet AGAIN they are a TINY minority!
Vote here to send the nimbys a message to stop trying to stop or delay any progress in Thanet..
Whilst I expect that nimbys, class warriers and occutards from far and wide, who would protest being given £1,000,000 if it came from the foul profits of fascistic capilitalist pigs to swamp this pointless little "survey" why not give them the bloody noise they so richly deserve!
We nearly equal their numbers on this page now, very unusual for a pro anything page, the loud mouthed protesters are the ones with the issue, lets make them realise yet AGAIN they are a TINY minority!
Vote here to send the nimbys a message to stop trying to stop or delay any progress in Thanet..
Monday, 24 June 2013
Airshow a HUGE success!
Seems clear that the return of airshows to Manston is a HUGE success! I have been to airshows throught the UK, and even a couple abroad. I have yet to goto one that doesn't involve HUGE traffic jams, long delays and long walks at some point in the day, to suppose Manston could be different and everyone turn up with no dealy and simply breeze into a car park, next to the runway really is fairy land!
It will doubtless have it's critics, pontificating about issues they have no understanding of, but it certainly bought money and people to Thanet, who will hopefuly return in the future.
I wonder how long before Thanets very own bandwagon jumper Driver begins his usual ill informed atatck on another of Thanet's successes, and how long before he reports it to some entity somewhere to try to have it fined...
It will doubtless have it's critics, pontificating about issues they have no understanding of, but it certainly bought money and people to Thanet, who will hopefuly return in the future.
I wonder how long before Thanets very own bandwagon jumper Driver begins his usual ill informed atatck on another of Thanet's successes, and how long before he reports it to some entity somewhere to try to have it fined...
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Finding out how NOT to do it..
We now have the laughably amusing occurance of architects coming to Arlington house to learn how not to design buildings! They will be touring the slum in a visit reminisent of Aston Martin Engineers popping over to TATA to amuse themselves at the mistakes of the past, and to learn NEVER to make them again!
Trip to view the hideous mistakes of the past
SO funny!
Even funnier is that the nimbys of Arlington think that this lends them some support in preventing progress at Arlington! Lets remember that the vertical slum that is Arlington is sadly not to be demolished when Tesco's is built, thus it really doesn't make any difference to the vertical slum whether Tesco's is built or not, apart from the fact it will get a face lift more needed than a drowning man needs a boat!
Trip to view the hideous mistakes of the past
SO funny!
Even funnier is that the nimbys of Arlington think that this lends them some support in preventing progress at Arlington! Lets remember that the vertical slum that is Arlington is sadly not to be demolished when Tesco's is built, thus it really doesn't make any difference to the vertical slum whether Tesco's is built or not, apart from the fact it will get a face lift more needed than a drowning man needs a boat!
Some amusingly irrelevant sideshows
The TUC (didn't even know that that hangiver from the 70's still existed!) People United Bus comes to Ramsgate, nobody gives a crap.
Best bit is it's promoted by an ex labour/independant/TIG/Green councillor, that seems to doom it to utter failure.
Barry James
The "No to Tesco's Margate" campaign
The "there's a scandal at the port" brigade who clearly have no idea about business
The "Rank have trashed the Royal Pavillion" brigade who clearly have no clue about commercial leases
They have kept me amused all week so far, as I am sure they will continue to do.
Best bit is it's promoted by an ex labour/independant/TIG/Green councillor, that seems to doom it to utter failure.
Barry James
The "No to Tesco's Margate" campaign
The "there's a scandal at the port" brigade who clearly have no idea about business
The "Rank have trashed the Royal Pavillion" brigade who clearly have no clue about commercial leases
They have kept me amused all week so far, as I am sure they will continue to do.
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Friday, 21 June 2013
Another TDC scandal?
I am willing to bet that poor ole Barry James has swallowed the information in the attached link whole, and is busily hunched over his pc, cutting a tragic and lonely figure as he frantically "resaerches" nuclear powered hovercraft and the international wig business, hoping to make allegation against an as yet unkown businessman that he will have not a shred of evidence for.
Of you go James, fetch HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Of you go James, fetch HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Margate nimbys continue to amuse!
How delusional can some people be! Having disabled comments on their blog after a TORRENT of happy mails that Tesco will be built, this is the best, and ONLY excuse the nimbys could come up with!
"Toby Pengelly - Or an orchestrated campaign by those with an agenda. I'd guess Tesco has a fairly large marketing budget, part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comments"
This particular village idiot doesn't even live anywhere near Thanet! Instead of the particularly amusing, not to mention HUGELY far fetched "part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comment", how about the HUGE MAJORITY WANT THE TESCO'S, AND DON'T GIVE A CRAP THAT YOUR SENILE OLD MAN WON;T HAVE HIS VERY OWN PARKING SPACE ;)
"Toby Pengelly - Or an orchestrated campaign by those with an agenda. I'd guess Tesco has a fairly large marketing budget, part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comments"
This particular village idiot doesn't even live anywhere near Thanet! Instead of the particularly amusing, not to mention HUGELY far fetched "part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comment", how about the HUGE MAJORITY WANT THE TESCO'S, AND DON'T GIVE A CRAP THAT YOUR SENILE OLD MAN WON;T HAVE HIS VERY OWN PARKING SPACE ;)
Saturday, 15 June 2013
From the "no to Tesco's Arlington grp of nimbys;
"If we all boycott Tesco, they won't be able to afford to do it! I've already started!"
I'm sure Tesco's are TERRIFIED by a boycott by people who profess not to shop in Tesco's already
Only occutards make me laugh more than nimbys!
"If we all boycott Tesco, they won't be able to afford to do it! I've already started!"
I'm sure Tesco's are TERRIFIED by a boycott by people who profess not to shop in Tesco's already
Only occutards make me laugh more than nimbys!
You have to laugh!
The nimbys in margate have been heaping critism on poor ole Mary Portas for some weeks now. Not sure there was anything she could do right, she has been accused of trying to promote herself rather than help Margate, not knowing what's best for Margate and knowing nothing about retail.
Yet magically, after Mr Pickles quite rightly grants permission for the ONLY development that is likely to bring large scale jobs and money to Margate, and Portas critisises that decission, suddenly she is being quoted by the same morons who were attacking her only days ago!
What's funnier than nimby's, clueless nimby's and their occutard freinds!
Yet magically, after Mr Pickles quite rightly grants permission for the ONLY development that is likely to bring large scale jobs and money to Margate, and Portas critisises that decission, suddenly she is being quoted by the same morons who were attacking her only days ago!
What's funnier than nimby's, clueless nimby's and their occutard freinds!
Louise Oldfield Please, Eric Pickles. Do the right thing for Margate. No Tesco Superstore at Arlington Margate
Glad to see Mr pickles did EXACTLY the right thing Oldfield!
Join me in celebrating the begining of the re-birth of Thanet now the likes of Pengelly have been rightly pushed aside, as they should have been a VERY long time ago.
Join me in celebrating the begining of the re-birth of Thanet now the likes of Pengelly have been rightly pushed aside, as they should have been a VERY long time ago.
Friday, 14 June 2013
EXCELLENT news for Margate!
FINALLY the nimbys of Arlington have been rightly pushed aside, so the slum that is Arlington can be dragged back to teh 21st century!
Well done Eric Pickles!
Well done Eric Pickles!
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Drivers monkey at it again!
It appears that Drivers monkey has been at it again!
I have been forwarded another of her 5th rate home movies (thanks DS ;) ). Once I had stopped laughing at the total luck of production values, it became apparant that FORS are getting more clueless daily, and it also appears that they have allowed full time agitators to co-opt their increasingly tragic little group, and even Driver is off on his latest attempt to drum up some publicity for himself.
Lets just remind ourselves how stupid Driver has proven to be...
"Ian Driver
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
The only living thing more stupid would appear to be those will to swallow the clown Driver's bullshit whole, and without question...
I have been forwarded another of her 5th rate home movies (thanks DS ;) ). Once I had stopped laughing at the total luck of production values, it became apparant that FORS are getting more clueless daily, and it also appears that they have allowed full time agitators to co-opt their increasingly tragic little group, and even Driver is off on his latest attempt to drum up some publicity for himself.
Lets just remind ourselves how stupid Driver has proven to be...
"Ian Driver
Please see below the e-mail exchange I have had with a Council Officer
about the Pleasurama Scrutiny Group. Even before the group has met
Council officials are dictating that this important group will only meet
once!!! THIS IS NOT ON
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
The only living thing more stupid would appear to be those will to swallow the clown Driver's bullshit whole, and without question...
Monday, 10 June 2013
Driver proves to be VERY lacking
Now I need everyone to sit down before they read this,, sitting comfortably?
Driver and the particularly intellectually lacking of FORS, REALLY believe that this quotes means that the scritiny group will only meet once;
"Ian Driver
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know who is more stupid, Driver, or those who swallow his bullshit! Back in your box Driver before you humiliate yourself further.
Driver and the particularly intellectually lacking of FORS, REALLY believe that this quotes means that the scritiny group will only meet once;
"Ian Driver
Please see below the e-mail exchange I have had with a Council Officer
about the Pleasurama Scrutiny Group. Even before the group has met
Council officials are dictating that this important group will only meet
once!!! THIS IS NOT ON
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know who is more stupid, Driver, or those who swallow his bullshit! Back in your box Driver before you humiliate yourself further.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Some people actaully BELIEVE this comedy!
You couldn't make this stuff up!
Barry Clouseau has once again been proving that the company and people he chooses to post inuendo about without the benefit of any evidence or proof seem to have actually done nothing wrong.
Even in his latest comedy script, he seems to blunder around not really knowing what he's trying to say, but failing to prove anything apart from he has found nothing untoward and looks a bit of a cock.
Enjoy this, but after you have wasted a few minutes reading it, you will simply sit there, and try to work out what Thanet's resident village idiot is trying to prove.
James's comedy piece...
Funny as f**k
(Thank's for the doc Duncan ;) )
Barry Clouseau has once again been proving that the company and people he chooses to post inuendo about without the benefit of any evidence or proof seem to have actually done nothing wrong.
Even in his latest comedy script, he seems to blunder around not really knowing what he's trying to say, but failing to prove anything apart from he has found nothing untoward and looks a bit of a cock.
Enjoy this, but after you have wasted a few minutes reading it, you will simply sit there, and try to work out what Thanet's resident village idiot is trying to prove.
James's comedy piece...

(Thank's for the doc Duncan ;) )
Saturday, 8 June 2013
FOR's prove (again) just how valueless they are
Seems the co opted FORS will try to stop any and all progress in Thanet!
They now seem to whine because an empty but popular ex amusement arcade is seemingly being revived as an amusement arcade!
Typical of these clowns! Unless it's an art gallery, or a "space for the meditation of Burmese LGBT groups for the contemplation of institutional homophobia within the ideology of minority African woman's issues" they will whine and whinge like the clueless no marks they clearly are.
Less than 20 of these wastes of space turned up at the council meeting, just about outnumbered by the union activists that they have now allowed to co-opt their sad little groups that lost all credibility some time ago.
To those now whining, you say in one breath you want to attract families with kids, then whine when something that WILL attract families with kids looks like it maybe on it's way! They will certainly never darken the door of the fairly land "cultural and heritage centre"!
I can just see it now, sunny morning in August, mummy says to little Johnny "Lets have a nice day out, shall we goto a nice beach and play in the amusements before fish n chips, then coming home, or shall go along to the heritage centre in Ramsgate so you can experience some "culture" so you can experience socialism at 1st hand". Now I wonder which lil johnny will be choosing, even assuming of course that the funds are available to keep the "heritage centre" open!
Get a grip you daft ole duffers! People WANT shops, a hotel, cafes, bars, not a park behind a beach and a "heritage centre" that will be closed most of the year, and will get visited once at BEST by lil johnny!
They now seem to whine because an empty but popular ex amusement arcade is seemingly being revived as an amusement arcade!
Typical of these clowns! Unless it's an art gallery, or a "space for the meditation of Burmese LGBT groups for the contemplation of institutional homophobia within the ideology of minority African woman's issues" they will whine and whinge like the clueless no marks they clearly are.
Less than 20 of these wastes of space turned up at the council meeting, just about outnumbered by the union activists that they have now allowed to co-opt their sad little groups that lost all credibility some time ago.
To those now whining, you say in one breath you want to attract families with kids, then whine when something that WILL attract families with kids looks like it maybe on it's way! They will certainly never darken the door of the fairly land "cultural and heritage centre"!
I can just see it now, sunny morning in August, mummy says to little Johnny "Lets have a nice day out, shall we goto a nice beach and play in the amusements before fish n chips, then coming home, or shall go along to the heritage centre in Ramsgate so you can experience some "culture" so you can experience socialism at 1st hand". Now I wonder which lil johnny will be choosing, even assuming of course that the funds are available to keep the "heritage centre" open!
Get a grip you daft ole duffers! People WANT shops, a hotel, cafes, bars, not a park behind a beach and a "heritage centre" that will be closed most of the year, and will get visited once at BEST by lil johnny!
Friday, 7 June 2013
FORS goes the way of all activist groups
It seems that poor ole Terry Askew's FORS has been co-opted yet again! I don;t know what it is about poor ole Terry and her merry, but incompetant band, but it seems that they are happy to have their little nimby group co-opted by anyone with an agenda!
Not content with allowing Driver to use the group to promote his tragic KCC campaign, where he was utterly rejected, it now seem that some of the usual breed of socialist activist have now taken control of her little group that lost all credibility sometime ago.
If the pictures of their latest little get together are anything to go by, it seems that gob almighty Kandy STILL thinks being loud = being bright, but in fact underlines her cluelessness, but now it appears Unite has co-opted the band of ole duffers before they even noticed.
Oh well, you never know, they MAY produce some EVIDENCE of wrong at somepoint, but not until James, (the one who thinks he's poirot, but is in fact a perfect copy of clueaseu) manages to post something relevant and factual, but that would leave them in the sad position of trying to explain it to poor ole Kandy, if she stops flapping her pointless chops long enough!
Not content with allowing Driver to use the group to promote his tragic KCC campaign, where he was utterly rejected, it now seem that some of the usual breed of socialist activist have now taken control of her little group that lost all credibility sometime ago.
If the pictures of their latest little get together are anything to go by, it seems that gob almighty Kandy STILL thinks being loud = being bright, but in fact underlines her cluelessness, but now it appears Unite has co-opted the band of ole duffers before they even noticed.
Oh well, you never know, they MAY produce some EVIDENCE of wrong at somepoint, but not until James, (the one who thinks he's poirot, but is in fact a perfect copy of clueaseu) manages to post something relevant and factual, but that would leave them in the sad position of trying to explain it to poor ole Kandy, if she stops flapping her pointless chops long enough!
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Oh dear
Apparantly my blog gives poor Kandy from FORS nightmares.
I must apologise, but I am not prepared to remove the loser's picture from my blog at this time.
I must apologise, but I am not prepared to remove the loser's picture from my blog at this time.
Poor poor FORS
You have to feel sorry for FORS. When challenged over any of the BS they allow James to get away with, they go all weak at the knees and foot stampy.
I wonder why it is that James will not/cannot provide evidence to support his laughable bullshit, and it's only really the naive and gullible that actually take him seriously.
Poor James, when challenged he runs straight behind Kandy's skirt so she can try to use volume in the place of intellect to defend the poor lil mite.
I genuinely hope that finally the development at pleasurama is about to finally go ahead, and that Thanet can finally benefit from the clear and obvious benefits it will bring, despite the nimby fairy stories and unaffordable pipe dreams.
I wonder why it is that James will not/cannot provide evidence to support his laughable bullshit, and it's only really the naive and gullible that actually take him seriously.
Poor James, when challenged he runs straight behind Kandy's skirt so she can try to use volume in the place of intellect to defend the poor lil mite.
I genuinely hope that finally the development at pleasurama is about to finally go ahead, and that Thanet can finally benefit from the clear and obvious benefits it will bring, despite the nimby fairy stories and unaffordable pipe dreams.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
The Driver/Worrow comedy roadshow continues!
Who'd have thought it! Yet another clown Driver and homophobe finder general Worrow publicity stunt so soon after Driver is utterly rejected by the electorate!
For those who like a good laugh, have a look at this link of Worrow humiliating himself again, and poor ole Driver, just like Georgy Porgy trying to make himself popular by being naughy and filming Worrow making a complete prat of himself;
Worrow humiliates himself all over again, what a dumb prat!
Are we to have this comedy duo continue with their circus until they are both thrown out in 2015?
Worrow, seriously you need to get a grip and grasp some realities!
1. Nobody give a flying fuck what gets left on your voice mail
2. Nobody any longer cares what you think
3. You lied to get into power
4. You will not be re elected
5. EVERY time you drag the same issue back to the fore AGAIN, everyones 1st thought is "oh STFU you clown"
6. You have done more damage to the LGBT cause than any other living person, LGBT or otherwise.
7. When you accuse the WHOLE council of being "homophobic", all that happens is everyone laughs at you AGAIN!
Do yourself a favour, disappear back under your stone, and at least have the good grace to resign your seat, along woth the clown Driver, so that the electorate can have a representative they actually wanted, not someone who lied to them to get elected, and has made an utter prick of himself ever since.
For those who like a good laugh, have a look at this link of Worrow humiliating himself again, and poor ole Driver, just like Georgy Porgy trying to make himself popular by being naughy and filming Worrow making a complete prat of himself;
Worrow humiliates himself all over again, what a dumb prat!
Are we to have this comedy duo continue with their circus until they are both thrown out in 2015?
Worrow, seriously you need to get a grip and grasp some realities!
1. Nobody give a flying fuck what gets left on your voice mail
2. Nobody any longer cares what you think
3. You lied to get into power
4. You will not be re elected
5. EVERY time you drag the same issue back to the fore AGAIN, everyones 1st thought is "oh STFU you clown"
6. You have done more damage to the LGBT cause than any other living person, LGBT or otherwise.
7. When you accuse the WHOLE council of being "homophobic", all that happens is everyone laughs at you AGAIN!
Do yourself a favour, disappear back under your stone, and at least have the good grace to resign your seat, along woth the clown Driver, so that the electorate can have a representative they actually wanted, not someone who lied to them to get elected, and has made an utter prick of himself ever since.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Conspiracy theorists = laughter
I must admit that occutards and conspiracy theorists can always be relied upon to provide comedy at the end of a hard week, but here, we find them excelling themselves, as only they can!
Take the most appalling act of Muslim extremism to occur in UK since 7/7, and trust a conspiracy theorist to produce possibly the funniest and most deluded comedy peice I have EVER seen, whilst claiming the whole attack involved 10's of actors, and in fact no attack, it was all the government staging an attack to frighten us all!
The only people that could possibly take it seriously are occutards, the rest of you, enjoy this with me, this is surely the ONLY thing in this appalling incident it's possible to laugh at!!
Take the most appalling act of Muslim extremism to occur in UK since 7/7, and trust a conspiracy theorist to produce possibly the funniest and most deluded comedy peice I have EVER seen, whilst claiming the whole attack involved 10's of actors, and in fact no attack, it was all the government staging an attack to frighten us all!
The only people that could possibly take it seriously are occutards, the rest of you, enjoy this with me, this is surely the ONLY thing in this appalling incident it's possible to laugh at!!
TEF Ferries, have TDC lost any money?
It seem that many have no idea of what/if TDC has lost anything in the demise of TEF.
Now lets examine the bare facts without the spin of those with an axe to grind, and the ignorance of those with not a clue how real business works.
It appears there are 2 scenarios when a company is failing, at the is the position that TDC found itself in. So, simply put, the 2 scenarios are below;
1. TEF indicates it is in trouble some 2 years ago, TDC it appears tries to help it by waving fees for a time that extends to 2 years plus, ending in TEF going bust, and the council losing the £3.3million it had waived, collection of ill informed amatuer protesters shout about TDC incompetance, Driver jumps on bandwagon.
2. TEF indicates it is in trouble some 2 years ago, TDC immediately pulls the plug, resulting in the loss of the service 2 years ago, fee no longer due to TDC as TEF no longer exist, adding upto a loss to TDC of £3.3million in fees from TEF as they have gone bust 2 years earlier, collection of ill informed amatuer protesters shout about TDC incompetance, Driver jumps on bandwagon.
It seems that there is once again alarmist bullshit being peddled by the usual suspects about the demise of TEF, and sadly the portly form of the clown Driver has been seen leaping towards a new bandwagon with gay abandon, to peddle his usual lies to gain what publicity he can
SO, can anyone who is whining about TDC's actions with regard to TEF explain what THEY would have done differently, and how they would have made sure that the £3.3 million still came into TDC coffers?
PS how the F**K do you protest against a debt already accured, which if the debt had been prevented would have simply converted into a loss! What a pointless politically motivated and childish piece of naive opportunism! Anyone turning up has clearly no clue of how business or indeed the real world work!
I'm betting none of those shouting loudest have the 1st clue, and hence will not even try to come up with an answer on a forum where it will be challenged!
Now lets examine the bare facts without the spin of those with an axe to grind, and the ignorance of those with not a clue how real business works.
It appears there are 2 scenarios when a company is failing, at the is the position that TDC found itself in. So, simply put, the 2 scenarios are below;
1. TEF indicates it is in trouble some 2 years ago, TDC it appears tries to help it by waving fees for a time that extends to 2 years plus, ending in TEF going bust, and the council losing the £3.3million it had waived, collection of ill informed amatuer protesters shout about TDC incompetance, Driver jumps on bandwagon.
2. TEF indicates it is in trouble some 2 years ago, TDC immediately pulls the plug, resulting in the loss of the service 2 years ago, fee no longer due to TDC as TEF no longer exist, adding upto a loss to TDC of £3.3million in fees from TEF as they have gone bust 2 years earlier, collection of ill informed amatuer protesters shout about TDC incompetance, Driver jumps on bandwagon.
It seems that there is once again alarmist bullshit being peddled by the usual suspects about the demise of TEF, and sadly the portly form of the clown Driver has been seen leaping towards a new bandwagon with gay abandon, to peddle his usual lies to gain what publicity he can
SO, can anyone who is whining about TDC's actions with regard to TEF explain what THEY would have done differently, and how they would have made sure that the £3.3 million still came into TDC coffers?
PS how the F**K do you protest against a debt already accured, which if the debt had been prevented would have simply converted into a loss! What a pointless politically motivated and childish piece of naive opportunism! Anyone turning up has clearly no clue of how business or indeed the real world work!
I'm betting none of those shouting loudest have the 1st clue, and hence will not even try to come up with an answer on a forum where it will be challenged!
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Driver becomes an even BIGGER joke!
So, having lied to the electorate to get elected as a Labour councillor, jumping ship, joining "homohpobe finder" Worrow in the TIG, abandoning poor ole Worrow without a 2nd thought, or any notification, becoming an "independant", jumping on any and all bandwagons available, being UTTERLY rejected by the electorate who spotted he's a lying bullshitter, and abandoning all the bandwagons he jumped on to try to dishonestly elected as he had before, he then grovelled to the Labour party to get back into the organisation he dishonestly stood for in the last election.
Having been laughed at, he now crawls off to the only organisation that will put up with the daft clown like tosser, the Green Party HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyone want to take a bet how long it will be before he jumps from the good ship Green party LOL LOL LOL
I wonder what his monkey will say, will she and the red hat brigade of daft ole tossers now suddenly grow some green credentials?
Having been laughed at, he now crawls off to the only organisation that will put up with the daft clown like tosser, the Green Party HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyone want to take a bet how long it will be before he jumps from the good ship Green party LOL LOL LOL
I wonder what his monkey will say, will she and the red hat brigade of daft ole tossers now suddenly grow some green credentials?
Friday, 17 May 2013
£40 MILLION on Christmas lights
Soppy dumb tart will believe and repeat ANYTHING!!!!!!!
Soppy dumb tart will believe and repeat ANYTHING!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Drivers Nimbys
When you think about it, the case is SO obvious and easy, yet the nimbys simply whine that Thanet is dying, yet protest when anything feasable is proposed to address that slow death.
KLM and Manston want more flights = people/freight = wealth creation = regenertion = PROTEST
Westwood = shops people WANT = people use shops and travel from afar = PROTEST
Phizer want new access road = protects jobs = PROTEST = jobs lost
Tesco at Arlington wanted by VAST majority of Thanet = jobs = increased footfall = opportunity = Nimby PROTEST = delay = possible jobs and opportunities lost
Pleasurama burns = opportunity = proposal for shops n flats = delay in recession = whining nimbys = PROTEST possible loss of viable development
I could go on, but why bother, the residents I am forced to share this lovely part of Kent with are SO naive and self centred they are unlikely to EVER see the big picture, and thus must be ignored.
Even Driver has abandoned them!
KLM and Manston want more flights = people/freight = wealth creation = regenertion = PROTEST
Westwood = shops people WANT = people use shops and travel from afar = PROTEST
Phizer want new access road = protects jobs = PROTEST = jobs lost
Tesco at Arlington wanted by VAST majority of Thanet = jobs = increased footfall = opportunity = Nimby PROTEST = delay = possible jobs and opportunities lost
Pleasurama burns = opportunity = proposal for shops n flats = delay in recession = whining nimbys = PROTEST possible loss of viable development
I could go on, but why bother, the residents I am forced to share this lovely part of Kent with are SO naive and self centred they are unlikely to EVER see the big picture, and thus must be ignored.
Even Driver has abandoned them!
Monday, 13 May 2013
Nimbyism and Thanet
In my time in Thanet, I have watched with sadness and frustration as recession, changes in habits, TDC incompetence and lack or vision have dragged Thanet in general, Margate and Ramsgate in particular to dereliction, a sad shadow of their former selves.
Can this sad decline be arrested, yes, I believe it can! It needs certain issues addressing. It needs the vision of these towns to change from trying to preserve a picture of the past that people have already discarded. If people wanted streets full of amusement arcades, they wouldn't close as they would make money. The "Heritage theme Park" if it's ever built i believe is doomed to failure.
Which theme parks are successful, the ones with the latest/biggest rides, if that's not the case, why would the big players spend £millions on them? Not to mention of course it's season will be at BEST 6 weeks. Nice idea, sadly flawed.
Is that the biggest problem, no.
Nimbyism is by FAR Thanet's biggest problem. It's choking Thanet slowly but surely as it simply delays the investment that the isle badly needs, that attract people with money to spend, that then go on to visit the isle time and time again!
EVERY major development in Thanet has been protested against, delayed or frustrated.
Manston, Manston night flights, the port access road, Westwood, further development at Westwood, China gateway, Thanet earth, Pleasurama, Tesco at Arlington, Tesco at Westgate, development of the Sea bathing Hospital, the water treatment facility, the Margate airshow, now even folk week on Broadstairs is coming under fire!
When you look a little closer, it is ALWAYS either the sad little band that believe that Thanet should be preserved in aspic, sometime around 1963, and that profit is clearly a dirty word, that EVERYTHING should be dedicated to the "community" at 0 cost, the money to picked from that magic money tree that apparently the government/council possesses! We even have the laughable suggestion that the pavilion on Ramsgate seafront should be a community centre!
OR it's people who have lived in Thanet for 5 minutes, moved next to an airport with one of the longest
runways in the country, and are then STUNNED that aircraft fly in and out! I would LOVE to see the RAF return, and fly Eurofighters from Manston, OH how they'd whine!
Thanet MUST put these luddites in their place, and stop pandering to their bleating! In addition, those dragging everything through every court they can find, to try to frustrate what Thanet needs and it's people want, should be made responsible for the costs to BOTH sides of such actions, why should they abuse the legal system simply to practise their nimbyest agenda!
If these luddutes aren't dealt with, then Thanet is doomed to continue it's sad and tragic decline into further obscurity.
Can this sad decline be arrested, yes, I believe it can! It needs certain issues addressing. It needs the vision of these towns to change from trying to preserve a picture of the past that people have already discarded. If people wanted streets full of amusement arcades, they wouldn't close as they would make money. The "Heritage theme Park" if it's ever built i believe is doomed to failure.
Which theme parks are successful, the ones with the latest/biggest rides, if that's not the case, why would the big players spend £millions on them? Not to mention of course it's season will be at BEST 6 weeks. Nice idea, sadly flawed.
Is that the biggest problem, no.
Nimbyism is by FAR Thanet's biggest problem. It's choking Thanet slowly but surely as it simply delays the investment that the isle badly needs, that attract people with money to spend, that then go on to visit the isle time and time again!
EVERY major development in Thanet has been protested against, delayed or frustrated.
Manston, Manston night flights, the port access road, Westwood, further development at Westwood, China gateway, Thanet earth, Pleasurama, Tesco at Arlington, Tesco at Westgate, development of the Sea bathing Hospital, the water treatment facility, the Margate airshow, now even folk week on Broadstairs is coming under fire!
When you look a little closer, it is ALWAYS either the sad little band that believe that Thanet should be preserved in aspic, sometime around 1963, and that profit is clearly a dirty word, that EVERYTHING should be dedicated to the "community" at 0 cost, the money to picked from that magic money tree that apparently the government/council possesses! We even have the laughable suggestion that the pavilion on Ramsgate seafront should be a community centre!
OR it's people who have lived in Thanet for 5 minutes, moved next to an airport with one of the longest
runways in the country, and are then STUNNED that aircraft fly in and out! I would LOVE to see the RAF return, and fly Eurofighters from Manston, OH how they'd whine!
Thanet MUST put these luddites in their place, and stop pandering to their bleating! In addition, those dragging everything through every court they can find, to try to frustrate what Thanet needs and it's people want, should be made responsible for the costs to BOTH sides of such actions, why should they abuse the legal system simply to practise their nimbyest agenda!
If these luddutes aren't dealt with, then Thanet is doomed to continue it's sad and tragic decline into further obscurity.
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Thanet Watch and Driver's monkey
Thanet watch, it's a joke, and inspite of Driver's monkey's antics,
achieved exactly nothing, except making the right thinking people of
Thanet laugh at the old crone as she tries to prop up no hopers, and
manufacture news.
She has a place in Thanet, every town needs and idiot, and a clown to laugh at, Tongue fits both roles beautifuly. And everyone enjoys a comic, even when it's owners are blatantly profiteering with it's 33% price rise!
She has a place in Thanet, every town needs and idiot, and a clown to laugh at, Tongue fits both roles beautifuly. And everyone enjoys a comic, even when it's owners are blatantly profiteering with it's 33% price rise!
Friday, 10 May 2013
Driver and Oldfield UTTERLY rejected
Seems the voters of Thanet continue to show that they have very good sense, and are not fooled by empty lies from clearly dishonest clowns such as Driver, and daft self appointed, non representative nimby's such as Oldfield.
How very very entertaining, both self important loud mouthed candidates in the elections are rejected by 93% of the voters!
Perhaps Oldfield will now join Driver under his stone, and let Thanet regenerate, something they have both conspired to prevent these last few years! Interetsing how Driver is now UTTERLY silent when there is no election in the offing, what a shallow and dishonest clown he is proven to be! Hate to say I told you so, but.....
The voters have spoken Oldfield and Driver, shut up, and go away!
How very very entertaining, both self important loud mouthed candidates in the elections are rejected by 93% of the voters!
Perhaps Oldfield will now join Driver under his stone, and let Thanet regenerate, something they have both conspired to prevent these last few years! Interetsing how Driver is now UTTERLY silent when there is no election in the offing, what a shallow and dishonest clown he is proven to be! Hate to say I told you so, but.....
The voters have spoken Oldfield and Driver, shut up, and go away!
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
UKIP start VERY well!
Apparantly UKIP councillor Tom Bursnall wants to ban unemployed people voting.
What an excellent plan! Surely those who contribute nothing, yet take everything from society, should have no say in how that society is run? Clearly their only view will be how to persuade those that do work to give those that don't more of what they work for?
You have to be a member of any entity to assist in selecting those who run it. To be a member you must contribute something. Clearly the unemployed contribute nothing therefore should have say :-)
What an excellent plan! Surely those who contribute nothing, yet take everything from society, should have no say in how that society is run? Clearly their only view will be how to persuade those that do work to give those that don't more of what they work for?
You have to be a member of any entity to assist in selecting those who run it. To be a member you must contribute something. Clearly the unemployed contribute nothing therefore should have say :-)
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Driver, accurate as usual!
" I feel confident that I will do OK and have chance of taking the second seat."
Driver my lil clown, you couldn't be more of a laughing stock if you swapped clothes with your monkey, and claimed Thanet Watch was the "private eye" on Thanet LOL LOL LOL.
Driver my lil clown, you couldn't be more of a laughing stock if you swapped clothes with your monkey, and claimed Thanet Watch was the "private eye" on Thanet LOL LOL LOL.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Driver shown as a LOSER!

I think it's safe to say that the electorate delivered an unmistakable, direct, and unequivocal message to the clown Driver, one which has been clear since he was elected having lied to the electorate before;
At least the soppy tosser has shut up and crawled away for a while! I wonder how long before he crawls back to Labour so he can LIE to the electorate again in 2015!
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Someone described Christine Tongue (Drivers monkey) as a journalist.....
Seems only she thinks so, poor bitter ole dear..
Driver, just the latest chancer..
I had an interesting evening yesterday.
I had cause to be looking for an for something related to Ramsgate, and as is often the way when researching on the Internet, went completely off track into a rich vein of historical information.
Having laughed till I could hardly contain myself at the latest musings of the poor old naive sewing circle members of FORS, having now been completely subsumed by Driver and his pet monkey (football team takeover's and mis represented court cases now seem to be the latest attempt to post something of worth if Drivers comedy blog is to be believed!), i started to realise that pretty much all the same people who currently bleat about Pleasurama, are the same ones that bleat about EVERY attempt to drag Thanet from the mire!
From Michael, whose scaremongering is becoming legendary, leading to his prediction in 2007 that there WOULD be a huge cliff collapse in early 2008 (I must have missed that somewhere), to his predictions of Noahesq flooding causing 1500 deaths (that's 14 per flat! HAHAHAHAHAHA) inspite of no building EVER having been washed away on the site, nor lives lost as a result, has really become a cliche of "we're all doomed, the end of the world is nye" soothsaying, and really just as relevant. Shame really, I respect Michael, love his shop, and believe he is sincere, sadly he seems to have lately become entranced with plain out right lying bullshitters such as Driver.
We have the professional whiners such as Dove and Woods, who have whined about just about about that is proposed about anything for 20 odd years, hopefully that will one day come to an end! Then we have poor ole duffers Cooper and Chappel, who seem to really think money grows on trees, and that Ramsgate's future lye's in having a museum, 2 heritage centres and a Dunkirk museum, all funded by that magic money that councils simply produce from the magic hat that doesn't effect taxes, and all that can take place in buildings that TDC doesn't actually have any legal right to use or can't afford to build, SO funny!
Poor ole Terry has UTTERLY lost control, and Kandy simply believes that being loud = being bright, when in fact we know that the opposite is the case.
But looking at a wider view, it's the same ole faces time and time again, with the shrivelled and bitter incarnation that is Drivers monkey jumping on each any every cause to further her extinct political agenda, with Driver jumping upon each and every bandwagon as it hoves into view, filming council meetings being the latest example! He now whines about a ferry industry that the daft twat has been instrumental in causing to close, with the subsequent loss of jobs! What a prat that man is!
Manston airport, Westwood, Pleasurama, Dreamland, Arlington, China Gateway, Thanet Earth, the port access road, no doubt if i looked back far enough, it would be the same old whining parasites whining about the hoverport at Pegwell!
Objections, planning protests, enquiries, money and opportunities squandered by the same people, sacrificed on the alter of nimbyism, and simply objecting to ANYTHING that involves that dirty word, profit.
It is they that have created the dire mess that Thanet has become. TDC is undoubtedly inept, but over the years, i have come to feel sorry for the position they find themselves in. They are trying to drag Thanet into the 21st century, but with a luddite fringe determined to make it live in the 50's!
I sincerely hope that they are able to push through the developments that are still possible in Thanet, with the VERY few interests that are still willing to ignore the professional whining and outdated left wing luddites! It appears that Thanet is in danger of getting the Thanet that they have whined for for so long, silent, unspoilt, lifeless, jobless and finished!
I had cause to be looking for an for something related to Ramsgate, and as is often the way when researching on the Internet, went completely off track into a rich vein of historical information.
Having laughed till I could hardly contain myself at the latest musings of the poor old naive sewing circle members of FORS, having now been completely subsumed by Driver and his pet monkey (football team takeover's and mis represented court cases now seem to be the latest attempt to post something of worth if Drivers comedy blog is to be believed!), i started to realise that pretty much all the same people who currently bleat about Pleasurama, are the same ones that bleat about EVERY attempt to drag Thanet from the mire!
From Michael, whose scaremongering is becoming legendary, leading to his prediction in 2007 that there WOULD be a huge cliff collapse in early 2008 (I must have missed that somewhere), to his predictions of Noahesq flooding causing 1500 deaths (that's 14 per flat! HAHAHAHAHAHA) inspite of no building EVER having been washed away on the site, nor lives lost as a result, has really become a cliche of "we're all doomed, the end of the world is nye" soothsaying, and really just as relevant. Shame really, I respect Michael, love his shop, and believe he is sincere, sadly he seems to have lately become entranced with plain out right lying bullshitters such as Driver.
We have the professional whiners such as Dove and Woods, who have whined about just about about that is proposed about anything for 20 odd years, hopefully that will one day come to an end! Then we have poor ole duffers Cooper and Chappel, who seem to really think money grows on trees, and that Ramsgate's future lye's in having a museum, 2 heritage centres and a Dunkirk museum, all funded by that magic money that councils simply produce from the magic hat that doesn't effect taxes, and all that can take place in buildings that TDC doesn't actually have any legal right to use or can't afford to build, SO funny!
Poor ole Terry has UTTERLY lost control, and Kandy simply believes that being loud = being bright, when in fact we know that the opposite is the case.
But looking at a wider view, it's the same ole faces time and time again, with the shrivelled and bitter incarnation that is Drivers monkey jumping on each any every cause to further her extinct political agenda, with Driver jumping upon each and every bandwagon as it hoves into view, filming council meetings being the latest example! He now whines about a ferry industry that the daft twat has been instrumental in causing to close, with the subsequent loss of jobs! What a prat that man is!
Manston airport, Westwood, Pleasurama, Dreamland, Arlington, China Gateway, Thanet Earth, the port access road, no doubt if i looked back far enough, it would be the same old whining parasites whining about the hoverport at Pegwell!
Objections, planning protests, enquiries, money and opportunities squandered by the same people, sacrificed on the alter of nimbyism, and simply objecting to ANYTHING that involves that dirty word, profit.
It is they that have created the dire mess that Thanet has become. TDC is undoubtedly inept, but over the years, i have come to feel sorry for the position they find themselves in. They are trying to drag Thanet into the 21st century, but with a luddite fringe determined to make it live in the 50's!
I sincerely hope that they are able to push through the developments that are still possible in Thanet, with the VERY few interests that are still willing to ignore the professional whining and outdated left wing luddites! It appears that Thanet is in danger of getting the Thanet that they have whined for for so long, silent, unspoilt, lifeless, jobless and finished!
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Friday, 26 April 2013
Driver makes us laugh AGAIN!
Having attempted to attack another candidate in the forthcoming election, I thought I would have a look back at Driver's history, see what he was doing in yesteryear. Little did I know I would find myself laughing out loud at a clown who it seems has made a career from being an UTTER failure, not to mention traitor and turncoat against those who he purports to support (at least he's consistent!)
Having been a Labour member, he then joined the poisonous Militant Tendency (for those to young to know, that was a group within the Labour party which made it unelectable for over 15 years) not content that the Labour party represented his ultra left wing views properly, but not having the courage to stand outside the party that he had purported to support.
Having helped destroy Labour, he joined with that other ultra left wing clown, Arthur Scargill, who had succeeded only in destroying the mining industry and the NUM. Standing for election in 1997, coming a laughably piss poor 3rd with less than 1000 votes! Seems Driver is strikingly consistent thus far, then goes on to prove that he has always had traitorous leanings.
Not happy with the way that Scargill ran the party HE FOUNDED, he was unceremoniously kicked out on his arse, having lead an attempt to challenge Scargill, as it seems they weren't prepared to put up with such unprincipled clowns in their party, and Driver slunk away to hide.
A few years later, hoping no doubt to have escaped his appallingly dishonest political history, he popped up in Thanet, having rejoined the Labour party (you remember, the party he helped make unelectable for nearly 2 decades). Having been elected as a Labour councillor, he - true to form - turned on them again, simply to gain control of some committees by applying blackmail to the leader of the labour party he once purported to support.
Joining the "Thanet Independent Group" with homophobe finder general Worrow, he unbelievably even stabs him in that back, and deserts yet AGAIN, without a word to poor ole Worrow! See the heartfelt and anguised words of yet another colleague who had to learn Driver's traitourous personality the hard way;
"I was astounded to find out via the Thanet District Council public web site that Councillor Ian Driver has left the Thanet Independent Group to join Cllr King’s Independent Group. I have been concerned for weeks, due to Cllr Driver’s failure to respond to my emails and voice messages, and I am both surprised and shocked that he has not had the common courtesy to tender his resignation in writing - John Worrow"
He also ran for police commissioner, but without a party to dishonestly represent, the poor little clown couldn't even raise the deposit!
Seems Driver has been a consistently dishonest backstabber his entire career!
There is more, but I am laughing SO hard at Driver and his minions, I have to leave the rest for another day, I'm sure his little monkey has enough to console him over already.
Having been a Labour member, he then joined the poisonous Militant Tendency (for those to young to know, that was a group within the Labour party which made it unelectable for over 15 years) not content that the Labour party represented his ultra left wing views properly, but not having the courage to stand outside the party that he had purported to support.
Having helped destroy Labour, he joined with that other ultra left wing clown, Arthur Scargill, who had succeeded only in destroying the mining industry and the NUM. Standing for election in 1997, coming a laughably piss poor 3rd with less than 1000 votes! Seems Driver is strikingly consistent thus far, then goes on to prove that he has always had traitorous leanings.
Not happy with the way that Scargill ran the party HE FOUNDED, he was unceremoniously kicked out on his arse, having lead an attempt to challenge Scargill, as it seems they weren't prepared to put up with such unprincipled clowns in their party, and Driver slunk away to hide.
A few years later, hoping no doubt to have escaped his appallingly dishonest political history, he popped up in Thanet, having rejoined the Labour party (you remember, the party he helped make unelectable for nearly 2 decades). Having been elected as a Labour councillor, he - true to form - turned on them again, simply to gain control of some committees by applying blackmail to the leader of the labour party he once purported to support.
Joining the "Thanet Independent Group" with homophobe finder general Worrow, he unbelievably even stabs him in that back, and deserts yet AGAIN, without a word to poor ole Worrow! See the heartfelt and anguised words of yet another colleague who had to learn Driver's traitourous personality the hard way;
"I was astounded to find out via the Thanet District Council public web site that Councillor Ian Driver has left the Thanet Independent Group to join Cllr King’s Independent Group. I have been concerned for weeks, due to Cllr Driver’s failure to respond to my emails and voice messages, and I am both surprised and shocked that he has not had the common courtesy to tender his resignation in writing - John Worrow"
He also ran for police commissioner, but without a party to dishonestly represent, the poor little clown couldn't even raise the deposit!
Seems Driver has been a consistently dishonest backstabber his entire career!
There is more, but I am laughing SO hard at Driver and his minions, I have to leave the rest for another day, I'm sure his little monkey has enough to console him over already.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Driver humiliated AGAIN!
Seems Driver will go to any lengths to help his monkey!
He made an attempt at grabbing dictatorial power in his personal little committe, without reference to a vote of any kind, and was rightly slapped down by the rest of the good councillors on the committee!
Having been bitch slapped, he scurried off to whine to anyone who will listen, having abandoned the FORS group, and the issues that the committee were supposed to be looking into re Pleasurama.
But all's well, his little stunt impressed his monkey, and those SO naive as to actually believe his bullshit.
He made an attempt at grabbing dictatorial power in his personal little committe, without reference to a vote of any kind, and was rightly slapped down by the rest of the good councillors on the committee!
Having been bitch slapped, he scurried off to whine to anyone who will listen, having abandoned the FORS group, and the issues that the committee were supposed to be looking into re Pleasurama.
But all's well, his little stunt impressed his monkey, and those SO naive as to actually believe his bullshit.
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