Friday 17 May 2013

£40 MILLION on Christmas lights


Soppy dumb tart will believe and repeat ANYTHING!!!!!!!


  1. Hi John, no i'm told it's another vacuous bint connected with FORS, with nothing to really say except 1000's and 1000's of pointless words that say or prove absoloutely nothing.

    Not sure who exactly, as the poor lambs banned me a while back, they aren't fond of people pointing out real world truths to them, they would rather live in the "lets turn every building into a "community space/park" no matter how non viable/unaffordable/not possible it is" fairy tale world.

  2. I think poor ole Tobgue is still mourning the loss of the monkey master Driver, and his 3rd defection to yet another party, leaving the dumb bint in his considerable wake.

  3. Morning John,

    I left the FORS Facebook group because it depressed me. There are a couple of members who work assiduously in digging for facts, arranging meetings with TDC and generally going about things in a common sense way. But in the main their FB Page attracts flaky females and those who just want to hurl slogans, mostly about alleged corruption, all without the inconvenience of producing evidence.

  4. I mostly agree with you John. FORS lost all respect sometime ago, partly as a result of the full time protesters such as Dove, who would protest anything no matter what it was, and FORS's co-opting by Driver who has now jumped ship as FORS has served it's purpose just as every other bandwagon he has leapt on. No impending election = Driver thankfuly crawls back under his rock.

    But I have to disagree with you over 2 of the most laughable fools it has ever been my pleasure to ridicule. Kosack and James are simply laughable. As you said in your post, they are very fond of making accusations, but sadly have yet to post proof or evidence of anything other than people run companies!

    Last I knew, they were wittering on about a midlands football club for some inane reason! They are to investigation what I am to diplomacy! If they weren't so tragic, they would be SO funny! FAR more clouseau than Poirot.

    As for hooper, I can't work out whether he/she is barking mad, drunk, intellectually challenged, or simply likes a little nose candy!

    The likes of poor ole James and Kosack will only ever post where their bullshit and accusations will be swallowed whole, and not be challenged by better people, I pity them both and laugh at those who swallow their bullshit.

    The most ironic thing I agreed with their original premise, but when they went spurring off into the laughable fairy tales they now bluster about, well, I am not fond of backing losers, clearly they are, as their support for the loser Driver demonstrates nicely.

  5. There is something intrinsically odd about this Pleasurama development. FORS is needed. Sadly, all Facebook campaigns attract for want of a better word nutters, whose nebulous postings debase the cause. Consequently, a potential whistle blower would be silenced. For they would rightly anticipate danger in becoming exposed to a collection of chattering flacky posters on Facebook.

  6. I would aggree that something needs to be pushed through re Pleasurama, and initially agreed with FORS and it's aims, hence why I joined it.

    However, now that the likes of James and Kosack are allowed to run rampant, with increasingly laughably irrelevant, inane and evidenceless bullshit, accusations which they similarly can't back up, and simple finger pointing, not really knowing what they are trying to say, then FORS lost all credibility, and sometime ago, as you said, simply became a home for those with an axe to grind, and a vehicle for Driver to shout from.

    Sadly poor ole Terri is simply a naive and gullible but well meaning busibody, Kandi simply thinks that being loud is being bright, sadly she proves the opposite quite nicely, and the rest of the nutters and serial protesters need no introduction.

    Broadly I aggree with you 100% John, FORS has allowed itself to become co-opted by Driver, and over run by the usual suspects, a shame really. I sincerely hope that the development is salvavged and built without further delay, Ramsgate needs it a whole lot more than yet another collection of nimbys.

  7. Hello. "Feel a lot of hate in the room". OK. Lets push some facts, rather than opinions. Barry presented some of his work last night. Over 100 people showed up to show their support. Kandy was bloody brilliant. She was to the point, polite and asked the right questions. She got the answer - there will be a full public hearing in two weeks. The impact of the protest was felt over Thanet last night. Heads will roll - you mark my words. Having spent the last couple of days with the FORS lot there is also something else I can say. The evidence just keep on coming. They have stacks of it. Proving all sorts of wrong doings. In my opinion, they need to produce some headline facts to the right people, in the right way. Because I think it is clear to anyone that has looked at this issue - there is something not quite right here. And last night, it was highlighted. Alan Poole came down to meet me yesterday morning but I couldnt talk long because I had the KM group there. They are good people gents. Perhaps they need some help polish their thoughts. But their detail is there. No denying that... what did you do yesterday?

  8. Oh - and if you take the piss out of peoples failings again, and you will hear me point out some of your failings Mr Hamilton. And I have your mark mate. Stop being a bully. You dont want me to do that to you, nes pah?

    1. Duncan,

      I think you meant to say, "n'est-ce pas". To my knowledge this French expression has yet to anglicised to your 'nes pah'.

  9. 100 people showed up hahahahahaha you are either a liar, or numerically challenged! His work LOL LOL the dumb fuck posts inuendo, can;t back any of it up, and wonders why he's a luaghing stock, apart from a few dullards who swallow his BS whole! Oh dear Duncan, seems you have had been fooled by the tragic nimby brigade, and mouth almighty Kandy, very loud, nothing worthwhile to say.

    Which evidence is that? They have posted evidence of NOTHING other than they have nothing! It really is the most tragic campaign I have ever seen. Even your activist involvement won't save them, it's sad beyond belief. Perhaps you could provide some of this proof of wrong doing, I would LOVE to see it after all this time an utter wilderness of proof!

    Pointed out what I did yesterday elsewhere, do you have a stutter? Take the piss, moi? I simply point out the truth. Nothing more nor less. Bless you, you think you can threaten me, I have been threatened by better when dropping my kids of at nursery school when they were 2 ;)

    You may impress the intellectually lacking members of FORS, me nah mate ;)
