Wednesday 24 July 2013

Oh Driver, it's SO easy!

Why does Driver find such SUCH simple things SO hard to understand..

So here we have the ridiculous spectacle of one of the Council's most senior financial mangers apparently proposing to break the law of the land, flout the Audit Commission's guidance and ignore the Council's  own  published rules  about the  right to copy documents related to the annual accounts.

You couldn't make this up!!! "

Now lets see, why wouldn't Driver be given access to confidential documents....

OH YES!!!!! Because he's a dishonest and lying fool who will publish them in the public arena as he has ADMITTED and has a record of doing in the past!

His election record, and bandwagon jumping prove that he clearly cannot be trusted, and TDC quite rightly are not likely to give the clown access to confidential documents.

A 3 year old can grasp this, but going on past experience, it's no surprise Driver is SO clueless.

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