Sunday, 4 August 2013

Thanet's special people..

Thanet seems to be almost unique in the UK.

Having been hit hard by people's changing holiday habits, Thanet appears to have been hit harder than most when it comes to decline and failure to move on from it's heyday, and embrace the future.

It however seems that any development of any kind will be attacked and objected to by a tiny but very noisy band of nimbys. The list is long, but to name a few;

Development of Manston, non development of Manston, Tesco at Westgate and Arlington, WWX when it was proposed, pleasurama, Dreamland, the amusements at Ramsgate when they were closed, The amusements at Ramsgate when they re opened, the motor museum, Royal Pavillion for being derelict AND for any proposals to use it for any commercial activity, the slipway at Ramsgate, a swimming pool, a fire station.....

I'm sure I have missed a few out!

These people have no clue as to how reality or economics work! So far pretty much EVERY development is met with the cry "it should be a heritage centre/gallery/craft shop/farmers market/Sealife centre!

How many heritage centres can a town support! These people need to be put in their place, and have it made very clear to them they have no worthwhile purpose, and that they appear to have Champagne taste and beer money, but have no clue how to pay for either.

I would LOVE a Ferrari F40, but I am forced to drive an Audi as I can't afford a Ferrari, there's a lesson there for these people ;)


  1. Sadly it is not unique to Thanet, for the decline of the old British seaside holiday has devastated most former coastal resorts. The main trouble is that too many people want to cling to the tourist attraction notion as the main local income source rather than embracing anything new.

    Add the dumping of long term unemployed onto such towns, because of the large numbers of former hotels and guest houses, often converted to flats and bedsits, and such towns then become unattractive to inward business investment. Lack of skilled labour, crime rates etc.

    Finally we have the NIMBY fraternity, mainly retired to the seaside, who oppose everything that they consider might disturb their tranquillity from airports to art galleries. One must also not forget the professional protesters, oft imported from well north of Watford, who see shouting through megaphones or taking out court injunctions as a career choice.

    Ultimately, too many of those with vision give up and move away leaving the place to go on dreaming about a never to return past at the expense of its future.

  2. I agree William, though sadly it seems that Thanet is cursed with way WAY more than it's fair share of whining whinging nimbys, who still think it's the 60's, everyone wants to walk up and down the High on a rainy Saturday afternoon, visiting 8 different shops, to get their week groceries, the shops should be closed on Sundays, and half days on Wednesdays!

    Sadly reality, economics and modern shopping a leisure habits are a mystery to these people who seem to think that everyone wants a "heritage centre" and art gallery on every corner.

    Sadly, nimbyism and this failure to realise it is no longer 1962 combine in a perfect storm of Hyacinth Bucket characters in Thanet whipped up by a shameless media whore in the bandwagon extraordinaire cllr Driver and a couple of political agitators who think they are important, but who really have little if anything to say. I think Councillor Poole summed one of them up perfectly at the last public meeting.

    Hopefully, in the VERY near future, the new Tesco's in Margate, and the pleasurama development in Ramsgate will get off the ground, and the virus that is nimbyism in Thanet will finally be put down, and Thanet can move on with or without them.

    I saw that Peter, I had to laugh at that when they appeared, will they whine at ANYTHING! I hope that the nimbys at Arlington, and linked to Pleasurama suffer the same fate as the "Richborough Towers" serial protesters....

    ....consigned to history

  3. Hi John, I think we share a similar viewpoint, perhaps we could email?
