Thursday 25 April 2013

Driver humiliated AGAIN!

Seems Driver will go to any lengths to help his monkey!

He made an attempt at grabbing dictatorial power in his personal little committe, without reference to a vote of any kind, and was rightly slapped down by the rest of the good councillors on the committee!

Having been bitch slapped, he scurried off to whine to anyone who will listen, having abandoned the FORS group, and the issues that the committee were supposed to be looking into re Pleasurama.

But all's well, his little stunt impressed his monkey, and those SO naive as to actually believe his bullshit.


  1. Bit off thread, but Driver posted an item about the demise of the Trans Europa ferries and the impact on Ramsgate jobs. Well aware of the tenuous nature of businessess in the current economic climate, I commented that the illegal decision by TDC to stop live animal exports could well have pushed this company over the edge. Did Driver publish that comment? You guessed right, most definitely 'No.' After all, he would not want folk, coming up to an election, associating their loss of job or trade with his mouthy campaign on animal exports and the pressure he applied on TDC to take that fateful decision.

    Seems to be one of those typical left of left politicians who are quick to shout, but then, equally quick to go silent when the mouth gets them in to trouble. He may well have fallen out with Scargill, but he learnt a lot from him about denying the consequences of his own actions.

  2. You have to laugh at Driver's blog. For someone who claims to stand up for peoples freedoms, you have to laugh when he censors every post to his blog, and doesn't put up anything that disaggrees with his laughably out of date view.

    I would be fairly certain that the animal export trade would have kept the ferries afloat (no pun intended), but as we know, a good bandwagon for Driver is WAY more important than jobs.

  3. Mmmm... I thought the only vessel being used for this was the Jolene? I'm not even sure they are part of Trans Europa. I'm all up for highlighting how bad the man for Northwood ward is nut not sure even he can be blamed for the failure of a European owned ferry/freight company.

  4. It is 1 oclock, as Transeuropa were hounded by a motley crew of protesters and Driver as he viewed it as a handy bandwagon.

    All that seems to have been achieved is landing TDC with a hefty legal bill, the animals have a FAR worse journey and Transeuropa are no longer viable.

    I'm not saying he is 100% to blame, but could animal exports have saved Transeuropa? Well it seems to be profitable enough for someone to have a small ferry running 100% dedicated to the business.
