Saturday 27 April 2013

Driver's nemesis.......would be nice


  1. Lol I have just discovered your blog and love this picture shame we cant photoshop him out of Thanet as easily as you put him in this picture. Even if it was difficult the effort would have been worthwhile.

  2. I think it's certainly fair to say that Thanet would be a FAR better and more successful place without dishonest bandwagon jumper Driver Driver, his monkey, and homophobe finder general Worrow. If only photoshop worked in the real world,*sigh*

  3. Ps welcome to my blog, unlike some in thanet, i welcome free speech on my blog :-)

  4. what happened here? you did a funny!!! it was good. bitter but your bitterness to Driver is clear. But well done. Your use of paint is very good. Gold star :D <<Smiley face [HEAD PAT]

  5. Oh bless Duncan likes pretty picture, I'll try and put up the odd post at your level from time to time, I always try to assist the inadequate when possible.
