Tuesday, 17 September 2013


There is an investor DARING to try to invest in a Thanet town!

These people are proposing building properties that people want to live in, , and that these people will bring new live to a derelict area, and they want to spend money in local businesses, HOW DARE THEY, THEY MUST BE STOPPED!

These people have the tumerity to suggest building new dwellings on land that has been derelict for some years, these bastards must be stopped!

Dove needs to whine about how it looks, James just needs to make up some bullshit about a local company, then post lies online, as his is usual habit, and perhaps Michael needs to worry about the FRA, after all, the sea is only 30 yards away, and the site does share the same history of being swept away as pleasurama and the station there before it do. Surely it would be appalling to not have a FRA in place before the building is built!

Get online and complain and object for all your worth IMMEDIATLY, this progress in Thanet cannot be allowed to happen, god forbid, perhaps there should be a swimming pool built, or maybe a park, all built with that imaginary money that TDC creates by magic that doesn't on any way increase council tax!

Progress can NOT be allowed to happen in Thanet DAMMIT!

Unacceptable suggestion for progress in Thanet

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