Tuesday 30 April 2013

Driver, just the latest chancer..

I had an interesting evening yesterday.

I had cause to be looking for an for something related to Ramsgate, and as is often the way when researching on the Internet, went completely off track into a rich vein of historical information.

Having laughed till I could hardly contain myself at the latest musings of the poor old naive sewing circle members of FORS, having now been completely subsumed by Driver and his pet monkey (football team takeover's and mis represented court cases now seem to be the latest attempt to post something of worth if Drivers comedy blog is to be believed!), i started to realise that pretty much all the same people who currently bleat about Pleasurama, are the same ones that bleat about EVERY attempt to drag Thanet from the mire!

From Michael, whose scaremongering is becoming legendary, leading to his prediction in 2007 that there WOULD be a huge cliff collapse in early 2008 (I must have missed that somewhere), to his predictions of Noahesq flooding causing 1500 deaths (that's 14 per flat! HAHAHAHAHAHA) inspite of no building EVER having been washed away on the site, nor lives lost as a result, has really become a cliche of "we're all doomed, the end of the world is nye" soothsaying, and really just as relevant. Shame really, I respect Michael, love his shop, and believe he is sincere, sadly he seems to have lately become entranced with plain out right lying bullshitters such as Driver.

We have the professional whiners such as Dove and Woods, who have whined about just about about that is proposed about anything for 20 odd years, hopefully that will one day come to an end! Then we have poor ole duffers Cooper and Chappel, who seem to really think money grows on trees, and that Ramsgate's future lye's in having a museum, 2 heritage centres and a Dunkirk museum, all funded by that magic money that councils simply produce from the magic hat that doesn't effect taxes, and all that can take place in buildings that TDC doesn't actually have any legal right to use or can't afford to build, SO funny!

Poor ole Terry has UTTERLY lost control, and Kandy simply believes that being loud = being bright, when in fact we know that the opposite is the case.

But looking at a wider view, it's the same ole faces time and time again, with the shrivelled and bitter incarnation that is Drivers monkey jumping on each any every cause to further her extinct political agenda, with Driver jumping upon each and every bandwagon as it hoves into view, filming council meetings being the latest example! He now whines about a ferry industry that the daft twat has been instrumental in causing to close, with the subsequent loss of jobs! What a prat that man is!

Manston airport, Westwood, Pleasurama, Dreamland, Arlington, China Gateway, Thanet Earth, the port access road, no doubt if i looked back far enough, it would be the same old whining parasites whining about the hoverport at Pegwell!

Objections, planning protests, enquiries, money and opportunities squandered by the same people, sacrificed on the alter of nimbyism, and simply objecting to ANYTHING that involves that dirty word, profit.

It is they that have created the dire mess that Thanet has become. TDC is undoubtedly inept, but over the years, i have come to feel sorry for the position they find themselves in. They are trying to drag Thanet into the 21st century, but with a luddite fringe determined to make it live in the 50's!

I sincerely hope that they are able to push through the developments that are still possible in Thanet, with the VERY few interests that are still willing to ignore the professional whining and outdated left wing luddites! It appears that Thanet is in danger of getting the Thanet that they have whined for for so long, silent, unspoilt, lifeless, jobless and finished!


  1. Its not just Thanet when I started blogging it was down to Tony Flaig annd I soon encountered NO PLANES OVER HERNE BAY as well as the other loonies who had discovered when you buy a house under a flight path planes fly overhead.

  2. They are a special breed Don that's forsure! Some are simply luddites, others like Drivers monkey are bitter old socialists, some just like to thimk they are important, as Driver does.

    The only thing they have in common is they don't give a crap about Thanet, only what glory they can wrap themselves in.

  3. I do feel sorry for poor ole Terry Askew though, her heart's in the right place, sadly she's surrounded by fools, and has allowed her group to be subverted by those seeking a convenient bandwagon.

  4. I'm 46 years old and can remember back when I was 18 realising that Thanet was always playing catch up, never seemed to be ahead of the game and pushing forward, and nothing has changed...am pretty sure there have been TDC leaderships of different political colours through all that time, but nobody has made any real and lasting difference that can be seen today...why?
    Local Cllrs who do not answer emails, TDC officials who are happy to work to the lowest possible standards instead of being proud to stand up and be counted and do a fantastic job and hold others to account. What on earth is the matter with these people?
    And when TDC states that 'the truth' is not a priority it really says it all doesn't it?
    It's very sad for Thanet and those of us who have lived here all our lives and actually love our home towns. Even if you try to take these people to task, they just deny, make outrageous statements and nothing changes...and on it goes for another generation!
    We didn't ask for people like this to be in charge, but sadly their actions will no doubt put off any decent people who might think themselves capable of doing a good job for their home town...it appears that the local politics scene here is a dirty, grubby business with tricks and wangling and looking after each other and certain lucky people within the local community, and who on earth would choose to get mixed up in all that? Especially when 'outsiders' are most definitely not encouraged or given a helping hand and lots of 'in jokes' are made, and personalities jested about, so that if you have no knowledge of these things you can't make head nor tail of what has gone on!?!

    Madness :(

    1. Can't find much I disagree with there Bernie. It's about time that TDC got off it's butt, and got the pleasurama development completed before any more opportunities are lost!

  5. Luddite |ˈlʌdʌɪt|
    a member of any of the bands of English workers who destroyed machinery, especially in cotton and woollen mills, which they believed was threatening their jobs (1811–16).
    • derogatory a person opposed to increased industrialization or new technology: a small-minded Luddite resisting progress.

    It might be interesting for you to know that I am not an out-dated, left wing, luddite, having spent many years as a Graphic Designer and Senior College Lecturer advocating Apple computers during the years when the company was considered a basket case. Microsoft always was crap, but it took a lot of ground breaking work to convince people otherwise. Now look!
    Consider your words carefully, Mr Hamilton.
    You have no idea of the anger people feel about the Pleasurama site and the mess that TDC and SFP have created since Mr Godden left his mark. The commitment members of FORS, and others sympathetic to us, have in seeing a better Thanet is beyond your comprehension.
    As for Ian Driver. Indeed, he has been very supportive of our campaign and I have a lot of respect for his plain speaking, but it was mutually agreed, very early on, that he would not be subsumed into our organisation, nor we into his.
    One question for you. Why do you hide behind a cloak of anonymity? Declare yourself and your colours.

  6. Hello Cooper, Welcome to my blog. Nice to see that you have finally navigated your way to a blog/webpage that actually talks some sense.

    Thanks for your definition of luddite, it was unnecessary as i was very well aware of the definition, as you go on to prove by posting the definition. "a small-minded Luddite resisting progress" that could almost have been writen for you!

    If only they had included "tragic old duffer, hanging onto a failed socialist view of the world" that would have been you summed up perfectly. I had worked out that you had been connected to the education field in some way. The old adage "if you can, do, if you can't teach" has never been more apt than in your case.

    I think i'm right in saying that as the naive old duffer you clearly are, you have protested/are against Pleasurama, Tesco's, Manston expansion, proposed housing at westwood, the port access road (when it was proposed) and anything else of value to Thanet, simply because someone will make that FILTHY thing called a profit!

    I love your childishly naive Dr. Seuss pictures, of not only a laughable non viable 2nd "heritage centre" but a mish match of unaffordable foolishness that will simply never get built, and even if it did, would cease to exist when it can't be kept up! I wonder how you reconcile the conflicting arguments that you claim are against a development, that affect your fairy tale aswell? How will people escape from a death trap "heritage centre" that's crumbling in a storm of biblical proportions?

    I suspect I have lived in Thanet a lot longer than you, and actually mix with REAL people, not the champagne socialists that no doubt make up your address book. The "commitmant" of FORS is a joke. It's half a dozen noisy profesional protesters/busibodies, who have added all thier friends, most without their knowledge, to an FB page!

    Driver, the man is a clown and a loser! He co-opted FORS immediately as a vehicle to promote himself, and keep his name in the media, it's simply that poor ole Terry is to gullible to realise that, Kandy is just happy to make a lot of inconsequencial noise, James and Kosack THINK they are clever, you, Woods, Dove, McKenzie etc are simply to naive to even know what the daft fat clown has done!

    Ask yourself this, how far has the engineered "filming council meetings" spat taken the pleasurama debate, and how could Driver add to that debate, having engineered his removal from both debates on the subject... You really have been played you daft old fool, Driver is interested in 1 thing, promoting Driver!!

    I consider my words very carefuly Cooper, all are apt and correct, as always, it's a shame that your arguments and those of FORS are so weak, they cannot stand upto someone with a different, but correct view of the facts. Tell me, if the development isn't built, by 2017, how would you suggest retriving the 199 leases that have sold? ANOTHER costly court battle, resulting in ANOTHER empty site, you realise that Dreamland is unlikely to ever successfuly see the light of day, it's simply not viable (a dirty word to you I know) on it's own.

  7. My name is at the begining of this, and all my other posts Cooper, as it is on the attached profile. You now know as much about me as anyone else I may happen upon in a pub, and strike up a conversation with.

    Sadly you seem tragically unaware of the definition of "cloak of anonimity" indeed your attempt at dramatising that lack of understanding points to a a 5th rate attempt at authorship, seems few on FORS have any real world skills whatsoever.

    My views are clear, and have not altered. Pleasurama MUST be a self supporting (profit generating, i know that's a dirty word for you, sorry) development of somekind. The freehold should not be given over until whatever is completed is completed, it's very simple Cooper, though I realise that anything connected to profit is a mystery to you. I have to admit, every now and then, if I am having a hard day, I open your Dr. Seuss picture, and have a good laugh! That has to be the most naive and gullible suggestion i have EVER seen!

    Think that covers everything.

  8. Must admit - only read about 100 words of the first bit before I had to comment. Seriously dude. You are showing yourself up here a little bruv. There are these things called FACTS. Peterborough FC went through the same scam trick a few years ago. THERE IT IS. THATS THE PATTERN. STOP THEM NOW!!!! So - actually - not going to read the rest of the diatribe because you are taking s**t rather than cutting through it. Barnies!!!! lolz. Bless ya

  9. Oh bless you, you really do like to follow bullshit that has no evidence to back it up. Bless you, you carry on talking shit, there's a good boy.
