Monday, 4 November 2013

Business as usual..

Once again, tragically, it's business as usual in Thanet!

The usual suspects attack TDC for allegedly allowing a company with (they claim) no experience ot track record to secure the pleasurama site.

An investor with a proven successful track record comes forward to bring back into use a building that has laid empty for 6+ years, and is immediately attacked by the usual alliance of nimbys, self serving media whores, scaremongers, luddites, talking heads and bullshitters.

An eyesore is torn down, and media whore Driver leaps immediately onto a passing bandwagon claiming rules must be followed or terrible penalities should be the consequence.

Driver then breaks council rules to film a council meeting, in another attempt to secure a few more precious column inches!

No wonder Thanet is rapidly turning into a shithole. It seems those who are prepared to attack any and all attempts to move forward in Thanet are those that contribute the least. If they are allowed to prevail, sadly we will end up with a Thanet as bland, colourless, empty and vacuous as they are, so that they can feel comfortable, whilst they try to blame those who TRIED to rescue Thanet from these pathetic whining nimbys!


  1. Sadly there are people, probably no more than a relatively handful really, who have nothing better to do than rubbish everything that might take us forward and they have been doing it for years. The Pavilion is just the latest, but the inability to grasp the fact that TDC do not own the lease says volumes about their lack of expertise of anything other than protest.

    Incidentally, how did you learn cockney rhyming slang in Arizona, from watching old episodes of Minder perhaps?

  2. Well said Mr Epps. I have to agree with you. It seems that this small band simply setout to ensure that nothing ever changes and that they can retend it's the 60's and everyone wants to come to the seaside, and buy fresh fruit n vegetables to cart back home!

    If I had the money to invest in a building such as the Pavillion, in light of the hypocritical attacks that have already begun from the usual suspects, would I take the time and trouble to fight the inevitable fights that they will bring now and during the planning process?

    Or would I perhaps find somewhere that welcomed investment, and did everything possible to help the town they live in? Not difficult to see why Ramsgate is turning into such a shithole is it!

    I have added Arizona to the list of places I apparently live, it's nearly as long as the list of people I am supposed to be. It would seem I have moved, since being informed that I live in Broadstairs.

  3. I am waiting for the people to say no one will use it because it is near the flight path and punters wont be able to hear them moaning into their half pints

  4. John,

    There is a mad Anon who from time to time says that I am you. If this is true then can I please be the John Hamilton that lives in Arizona.
