Tuesday 28 May 2013

TEF Ferries, have TDC lost any money?

It seem that many have no idea of what/if TDC has lost anything in the demise of TEF.

Now lets examine the bare facts without the spin of those with an axe to grind, and the ignorance of those with not a clue how real business works.

It appears there are 2 scenarios when a company is failing, at the is the position that TDC found itself in. So, simply put, the 2 scenarios are below;

1. TEF indicates it is in trouble some 2 years ago, TDC it appears tries to help it by waving fees for a time that extends to 2 years plus, ending in TEF going bust, and the council losing the £3.3million it had waived, collection of ill informed amatuer protesters shout about TDC incompetance, Driver jumps on bandwagon.


2. TEF indicates it is in trouble some 2 years ago, TDC immediately pulls the plug, resulting in the loss of the service 2 years ago, fee no longer due to TDC as TEF no longer exist, adding upto a loss to TDC of £3.3million in fees from TEF as they have gone bust 2 years earlier, collection of ill informed amatuer protesters shout about TDC incompetance, Driver jumps on bandwagon.

It seems that there is once again alarmist bullshit being peddled by the usual suspects about the demise of TEF, and sadly the portly form of the clown Driver has been seen leaping towards a new bandwagon with gay abandon, to peddle his usual lies to gain what publicity he can

SO, can anyone who is whining about TDC's actions with regard to TEF explain what THEY would have done differently, and how they would have made sure that the £3.3 million still came into TDC coffers?

PS how the F**K do you protest against a debt already accured, which if the debt had been prevented would have simply converted into a loss! What a pointless politically motivated and childish piece of naive opportunism! Anyone turning up has clearly no clue of how business or indeed the real world work!

I'm betting none of those shouting loudest have the 1st clue, and hence will not even try to come up with an answer on a forum where it will be challenged!


  1. this was the only thing I have read on your site without hate embedded in the message. This made very good reading. Clear - concise. Well expressed.

  2. That you don't understand the posts is clear in your inability to analyise them Duncan. I am more than happy to educate you if you are willing to learn :-)
