Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Driver once again ignores those he lied to.

Driver once again ignores those he lied to to get dishonestly elected to TDC. Having been given a resounding FU from the Ramsgate electorate at the KCC elections, he now seems to be acting as if that never happened, and is now seeking the media attention the media whore craves by involving himself in an issue that has nothing to do with the poor people that where tricked into voting for this clown.

Why does Driver, if he is SO sure of the support of the people he lied to, return to the polls to seek the mandate he clearly doesn't currently enjoy? He clearly speaks for nobody, on any issue, yet refuses to explain why he won;t give the people he tricked the opportunity to rid themselves of this media whore once and for all.

GO Driver, you add nothing, and damage Thanet daily!

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