Sunday, 25 August 2013

The occutardery fail UTTERLY again

Trip to Folkstone leaving Thanet tomoro for the great sleep out in protest of the bedroom tax.
please PM if interested
· August 23 at 3:34pm

  • Eva Silver likes this.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA 1 answer and 6 people saw the post, nothing occuring in Thanet, so the 1 remaining occutard has to impose himself on Folkestone

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Occupy, proving again and again to be nothing more than a bunch of laughable dumbfucks.

1 comment:

  1. Of course I watch the occutard page Ask, Tremble is SO deluded that he must surely be diagnosed as mentally ill, you continue to be a joke that hides from your betters, and the comedy that Tremble posts, and you swallow as fact is simply SO funny it cannot be missed!

    I even mail it to my friends so we can ALL laugh at you and the remaining failed occutards.
