Saturday 6 July 2013

Driver manufacturing bandwagons

As Driver becomes more and more desperate, he has now taken to manufacturing bandwagons!

Not happy that SCOPE used to have a different name, the daft twat is now making a nuisance of himself in the realm of education, trying to garner media coverage off the backs of disabled children!

The Spastics Society awarded a school a plaque to acknowledge that it raised money to help the charity some years ago. Driver in his infinate stupidity, now suggests that the Spastics Society/Scope should waste money making a new plaque, with a word other that "Spastic" as he has decided that it's offensive, inspite of it being the name of the charity that awarded the plaque!!

What happens next, anyone who was happy prior to 1980 must have ALL references to them being gay, as they might be offended...

Is there no level below which the reprehensible little turd that is Driver will not stoop in order to try to salvage his dying and untruthful political career! Why won't you stand for a by election Driver...

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