Tuesday 7 May 2013

UKIP start VERY well!

Apparantly UKIP councillor Tom Bursnall wants to ban unemployed people voting.

What an excellent plan! Surely those who contribute nothing, yet take everything from society, should have no say in how that society is run? Clearly their only view will be how to persuade those that do work to give those that don't more of what they work for?

You have to be a member of any entity to assist in selecting those who run it. To be a member you must contribute something. Clearly the unemployed contribute nothing therefore should have say :-)


  1. Pensioners don't contribute anything either...

  2. Pensioners have contributed much over the years :-)

    Retiring after a long hard working life is not the same as letting society keep you, and contributing nothing, whilst pontificating about how the society that is good enough to keep you is run, and whining that you need more than you get for nothing.

  3. Not all pensioners have worked hard, and anyway they smell of wee! ; )

  4. NOt all, but the ones who have sponged will not have a full pension, ;-) but you're right, they do smell of wee.

    Pensioners who smell of wee should be hosed down every time they goto pick up their pensions!

  5. Perhaps the unemployed who apparantly want to work so we are told, could be employed at minimum wage to man the hoses, 2 problems solved at once, am i good or what!

  6. UKIP councillors could put up some stocks in olde Margate for their supporters to throw rotting tomatoes at the job seekers and pensioners, mind you most of the UKIP councillors are pensioners so that could be a problem.

  7. I think it's obvious that the mention of pensioners and their hosing here was for amusement, I am not aware of any proposed measures regarding pensioners from UKIP Shinguard, are you, can you enlighten us?

    Perhaps the raring to go unemployed could be utilised in building the stocks in Margate, assuming of course that the inevitable nimby brigade's years of pointless legal manouvering against it's building consent could be properly dealt with.

    Maybe the Arlington nimbys and occutards (both of them) could be first to have Tesco's produce lobbed at them ;)

  8. Perhaps a shooting range, with targets held aloft by the desperate to work unemployed, that would give Richard "barking mad aquifer man" Card something to get his teeth into aswell :)

  9. On a more serious note... I'd like to see the long-term unemployed forced to do some work for their benefits (just 2 or 3 days would suffice) BUT for the benefit of the community rather than free labour for big businesses. I love Thanet, but in comparison with (say) Herne Bay or Sandwich it's a very dirty & untidy place, so how about getting them to clear up rubbish, paint publicly owned buildings, tidy up our parks & beaches, etc?

  10. John, If some of the UKIP councillors had their way most of us would be in those stocks at one time or another! :-)

  11. I can't find a good reason to disagree with you Peter. Personally, I believe that benefit should be worked for. As you say, Thanet is grubby, shabby and needs a lot of work, while armies of unemployed languish at home whining about how small their unearned benefit is!

    I see no problem whatsoever with compulsory work for the unemployed.

    For what reason Shinguard? I can't think of any policies offhand that UKIP promote that would see me in the stocks, what transgressions would see you in the stocks?

  12. Hang on.... and I suspect I will repost on this subject. But is this the post that shows you like UKIP???? Does that mean that the tome of this whole site is the tone of UKIP - the tone of hate?? Sounds like some of the socialist stuff that comes from the red room, only yours is much more personal. I am sure I will come back to this post. Looking for one in particular....

  13. Bless you Duncan, I know you're simplistic, but you really need to apply a little thought before posting again, and looking foolish a 2nd time.

    If someone happens to aggree with a particular view, expressed by an individual, does that mean they unquestioningly take on ALL the views of that individual? I know that is the way you conduct your life, but please understand that some of us apply a greater thought process before arriving at a conclusion ;)
