Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Have we found the reason behind Drivers latest round of bandwagon manufacture...

Could it possibly be true? Could Drivers latest foray into political failure and rejection possibly be as Mayor! Could the latest opportunity to laugh at the daft and dishonest old tard be when he loses is as spectacular fashion as his UTTER rejection at the KCC elections?

What is an "Independant Green Thanet Mayor/MP"? Is it simply a concoction of Drivers as he knows he will abandon whatever party is stupid enough to give him resources and support, and so that he's not caught lying for the 4th time!

Oh Thanet politics, I couldn't make this up and get it published as comedy, it would be labeled as to far fetched! Driver makes Zimbabwean politics look honest!

The route to Drivers next utter rejection..


  1. JH Look Sprinkle in two names and mention perjury.

    Only one name gets a gang spam comment defence.

    Leave to settle stick in some linkies and then a third witness name.

    No defence.

    What have I learned from Witness One who would swear he has never ever answered a question ?

    The great game passes you by mate.

    Publish away.

  2. What have I learned Rick? That you're nothing but a deranged fucking nutter my boy ;)
