Saturday 13 April 2013

The occutard children are having a day out

"I wonder if the pigs plan to 'deal with' protesters next week will be similar to the way they dealt with the miners"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I think the author must have been no more than 12 years old, and been taking "The Young Ones" FAR to seriously, it wasn't a documentary ;-) In the mean time, lets hope his musing about the Police becomes factual :-)

No more than you'd expect from a fuckwit who takes Driver seriously.


  1. Sorry John - could you define your word "Occutard" please? Just wondering if a criminal action is required on this post. I do hope you are not saying what I think you are John from UKIP.

  2. I'm not sure who you are replying to Duncan as it seems that there is no John from UKIP posting at the moment.
