Monday 22 April 2013

Cuckoo cuckoo, It's a Driver bird..

You have to feel sorry for FORS. Poor ole Terry and Kandi, outmanouvered by the professional protesters, (how long have Dove and Woods been whining about Pleasurama, Manston, Tesco's etc etc etc).

Now the poor naive lambs have allowed the portly cuckoo and professional bandwagon jumper Driver to simply take over FORS for his own ingratiation, self promotion, engrandishment and now political promotion.

Ask yourselves this, is Driver was REALLY interested in Pleasurama, why engineer his certain removal and thus achieve NOTHING on the issue of pleasurama? Some councillors have a disagreement, and what! To deliberately get himself removed was no more than the stunt he desired to garner the publicity he craves.

If he REALLY gave a crap about pleasurama, no matter how "bad" others behaviour was, he would have stayed to fight FORS and pleasurama's corner.

That he chose to perform his stunt, in solidarity with his monkey proves he couldn't give a shit about FORS or pleasurama.

Sadly Terry/Kandi can't see the wood for the trees. Follow the fairy tale girls, reality will be a rude awakening for you, and the pedants that have so far only managed to prove how clueless they really are.

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