Tuesday, 30 April 2013

A song for Driver, May 3rd

Someone described Christine Tongue (Drivers monkey) as a journalist.....

Seems only she thinks so, poor bitter ole dear..

Driver, just the latest chancer..

I had an interesting evening yesterday.

I had cause to be looking for an for something related to Ramsgate, and as is often the way when researching on the Internet, went completely off track into a rich vein of historical information.

Having laughed till I could hardly contain myself at the latest musings of the poor old naive sewing circle members of FORS, having now been completely subsumed by Driver and his pet monkey (football team takeover's and mis represented court cases now seem to be the latest attempt to post something of worth if Drivers comedy blog is to be believed!), i started to realise that pretty much all the same people who currently bleat about Pleasurama, are the same ones that bleat about EVERY attempt to drag Thanet from the mire!

From Michael, whose scaremongering is becoming legendary, leading to his prediction in 2007 that there WOULD be a huge cliff collapse in early 2008 (I must have missed that somewhere), to his predictions of Noahesq flooding causing 1500 deaths (that's 14 per flat! HAHAHAHAHAHA) inspite of no building EVER having been washed away on the site, nor lives lost as a result, has really become a cliche of "we're all doomed, the end of the world is nye" soothsaying, and really just as relevant. Shame really, I respect Michael, love his shop, and believe he is sincere, sadly he seems to have lately become entranced with plain out right lying bullshitters such as Driver.

We have the professional whiners such as Dove and Woods, who have whined about just about about that is proposed about anything for 20 odd years, hopefully that will one day come to an end! Then we have poor ole duffers Cooper and Chappel, who seem to really think money grows on trees, and that Ramsgate's future lye's in having a museum, 2 heritage centres and a Dunkirk museum, all funded by that magic money that councils simply produce from the magic hat that doesn't effect taxes, and all that can take place in buildings that TDC doesn't actually have any legal right to use or can't afford to build, SO funny!

Poor ole Terry has UTTERLY lost control, and Kandy simply believes that being loud = being bright, when in fact we know that the opposite is the case.

But looking at a wider view, it's the same ole faces time and time again, with the shrivelled and bitter incarnation that is Drivers monkey jumping on each any every cause to further her extinct political agenda, with Driver jumping upon each and every bandwagon as it hoves into view, filming council meetings being the latest example! He now whines about a ferry industry that the daft twat has been instrumental in causing to close, with the subsequent loss of jobs! What a prat that man is!

Manston airport, Westwood, Pleasurama, Dreamland, Arlington, China Gateway, Thanet Earth, the port access road, no doubt if i looked back far enough, it would be the same old whining parasites whining about the hoverport at Pegwell!

Objections, planning protests, enquiries, money and opportunities squandered by the same people, sacrificed on the alter of nimbyism, and simply objecting to ANYTHING that involves that dirty word, profit.

It is they that have created the dire mess that Thanet has become. TDC is undoubtedly inept, but over the years, i have come to feel sorry for the position they find themselves in. They are trying to drag Thanet into the 21st century, but with a luddite fringe determined to make it live in the 50's!

I sincerely hope that they are able to push through the developments that are still possible in Thanet, with the VERY few interests that are still willing to ignore the professional whining and outdated left wing luddites! It appears that Thanet is in danger of getting the Thanet that they have whined for for so long, silent, unspoilt, lifeless, jobless and finished!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Driver makes us laugh AGAIN!

Having attempted to attack another candidate in the forthcoming election, I thought I would have a look back at Driver's history, see what he was doing in yesteryear. Little did I know I would find myself laughing out loud at a clown who it seems has made a career from being an UTTER failure, not to mention traitor and turncoat against those who he purports to support (at least he's consistent!)

Having been a Labour member, he then joined the poisonous Militant Tendency (for those to young to know, that was a group within the Labour party which made it unelectable for over 15 years) not content that the Labour party represented his ultra left wing views properly, but not having the courage to stand outside the party that he had purported to support.

Having helped destroy Labour, he joined with that other ultra left wing clown, Arthur Scargill, who had succeeded only in destroying the mining industry and the NUM. Standing for election in 1997, coming a laughably piss poor 3rd with less than 1000 votes! Seems Driver is strikingly consistent thus far, then goes on to prove that he has always had traitorous leanings.

Not happy with the way that Scargill ran the party HE FOUNDED, he was unceremoniously kicked out on his arse, having lead an attempt to challenge Scargill, as it seems they weren't prepared to put up with such unprincipled clowns in their party, and Driver slunk away to hide.

A few years later, hoping no doubt to have escaped his appallingly dishonest political history, he popped up in Thanet, having rejoined the Labour party (you remember, the party he helped make unelectable for nearly 2 decades). Having been elected as a Labour councillor, he - true to form - turned on them again, simply to gain control of some committees by applying blackmail to the leader of the labour party he once purported to support.

Joining the "Thanet Independent Group" with homophobe finder general Worrow, he unbelievably even stabs him in that back, and deserts yet AGAIN, without a word to poor ole Worrow! See the heartfelt and anguised words of yet another colleague who had to learn Driver's traitourous personality the hard way;

"I was astounded to find out via the Thanet District Council public web site that Councillor Ian Driver has left the Thanet Independent Group to join Cllr King’s Independent Group. I have been concerned for weeks, due to Cllr Driver’s failure to respond to my emails and voice messages, and I am both surprised and shocked that he has not had the common courtesy to tender his resignation in writing - John Worrow"

He also ran for police commissioner, but without a party to dishonestly represent, the poor little clown couldn't even raise the deposit!

Seems Driver has been a consistently dishonest backstabber his entire career!

There is more, but I am laughing SO hard at Driver and his minions, I have to leave the rest for another day, I'm sure his little monkey has enough to console him over already.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Is this the ONLY Thanet blog that allows free speech...

Driver humiliated AGAIN!

Seems Driver will go to any lengths to help his monkey!

He made an attempt at grabbing dictatorial power in his personal little committe, without reference to a vote of any kind, and was rightly slapped down by the rest of the good councillors on the committee!

Having been bitch slapped, he scurried off to whine to anyone who will listen, having abandoned the FORS group, and the issues that the committee were supposed to be looking into re Pleasurama.

But all's well, his little stunt impressed his monkey, and those SO naive as to actually believe his bullshit.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Cuckoo cuckoo, It's a Driver bird..

You have to feel sorry for FORS. Poor ole Terry and Kandi, outmanouvered by the professional protesters, (how long have Dove and Woods been whining about Pleasurama, Manston, Tesco's etc etc etc).

Now the poor naive lambs have allowed the portly cuckoo and professional bandwagon jumper Driver to simply take over FORS for his own ingratiation, self promotion, engrandishment and now political promotion.

Ask yourselves this, is Driver was REALLY interested in Pleasurama, why engineer his certain removal and thus achieve NOTHING on the issue of pleasurama? Some councillors have a disagreement, and what! To deliberately get himself removed was no more than the stunt he desired to garner the publicity he craves.

If he REALLY gave a crap about pleasurama, no matter how "bad" others behaviour was, he would have stayed to fight FORS and pleasurama's corner.

That he chose to perform his stunt, in solidarity with his monkey proves he couldn't give a shit about FORS or pleasurama.

Sadly Terry/Kandi can't see the wood for the trees. Follow the fairy tale girls, reality will be a rude awakening for you, and the pedants that have so far only managed to prove how clueless they really are.

Driver over reaching himself yet again...

One has to wonder why councils waste taxpayers time and money "debating" issues over which they have no control, and whose implementation have no bearing on the operation of the council, nor on the services they provide.

The McCarthyist hunting down of "homophobes" by Cllr Worrow, with EVERYONE a homophobe unless proven otherwise is the 1st example. I'm not sure there is anyone who has any kind of profile in Thanet, that hasn't been accused of homophobia by which hunter general Worrow, even backed up by the clown Driver, who apparently enjoys the intimate pleasures of both men and women, I hope he had made his wife and daughters aware of his proclivities before admitting to them in public. One wonders what passes for entertainment in the Driver household.

We now have Driver making a lot of noise (does he ever do anything else) about the "bedroom tax". Not withstanding the rights and wrongs of the appropriate payment of housing benefit (there is no such thing as a bedroom tax, merely a desire to only pay for housing the people NEED), what does a clown in a local council think he can do about a government policy over which the council has no control.

Apart from once again courting the publicity that his self promotion requires, once again, Driver contributes NOTHING and represents nobody.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Driver makes a fool of himself....again

I am confused. Read this today;

"A journalist is thrown out of a meeting of Thanet District Council for filming"

Was some else thrown out aswell as Driver's monkey? I can't work out who the "journalist" is...

Driver's pet monkey has been bad

Poor ole Christine,
Poor dumb socialist old bint just can't catch a break. First the poor ole dear is ejected from a council meeting, seemingly surprised at being ejected.

Seems the poor bint's senility strikes again, as she was warned that she wouldn't be allowed to film, is she simply mad, or is she stunningly stupid...

....the evidence mounts!

"the 70s - grants for students, good wages for teachers, manufacturing still employing large numbers, theatre exciting, art scene creative, politics progressing, Vietnam war ended, unions strong. Seemed good to me!"

Lets examine that;
Grants for students - kids spend 5 years getting pissed at everyone else's expense - remidiedGood wages for teachers - Still very well paid for working 7 months a yearManufacturing still employing large numbers - Nationalised industry still producing crap goods, that nobody wants that cost twice as much as anyone elsesTheatre exciting, art scene creative, politics progressing - Art's still sponge millions (poor ole Tongue must have missed the turner, but isn;t that elitest?) politics on it's arse after several shamboilic socilaist clowns destroy the UK

Vietnam war ended - and?

Unions strong - yep, power cuts, strikes decimate the whole of the UK's industry, making it UTTERLY uncompetitive, and a joke to the rest of the world, have you seen the cars BL was producing LOL LOL

"Seemed good to me!" - Christine Tongue

HAHAHAHA Poor dumb old crone.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

The occutard children are having a day out

"I wonder if the pigs plan to 'deal with' protesters next week will be similar to the way they dealt with the miners"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I think the author must have been no more than 12 years old, and been taking "The Young Ones" FAR to seriously, it wasn't a documentary ;-) In the mean time, lets hope his musing about the Police becomes factual :-)

No more than you'd expect from a fuckwit who takes Driver seriously.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Professional protester STILL whining!

Ring any bells?

"Janet Woods, chair of Wellington Crescent Residents' Association, said the height restrictions were just a token gesture"

"This isn't the end for us - it is the beginning of the next stage of the fight," she said."

That's a quote from 2004! Seems this oxygen thief has been a pain in everyone's butt for nearly 10 years, time to wipe her and her ilk away.

Seems Thanet is cursed with full time luddite protesters with FAR to much time on their hands.

If the likes of Woods stopped their incessant whining at any development that isn't a park, paid for by magic money that doesn;t involve council tax rises, MAYBE Thanet wouldn't have sunk to the depths it has.

James Chappell's complaint to the ASA re SFP Ventures (UK) LTD

Sadly it seems Chappell thinks he has achieved something. Sadly all he has achieved in the real world is confirming those behind the Pleasurama debacle actually have the experience they claimed.

Poor ole Chappell, he would be better with his blanket back over his knees, waiting for his afternoon tea when his carer arrives ;-)

Driver caught bullshitting yet AGAIN!

Oh dear. After James Chappel's sadly pedantic complaint to the ASA about a website, they replied (according to Chappel's own post) thus;

"it is the staff employed by SFP who have experience with mixed schemes in the UK and overseas rather than SPF as a company"

Now we have Driver's bullshit;

Transcript of Thanet Council meeting 5 December 2002 Mr Painter said- The Promoter behind the scheme (Pleasurama) is Sean Keegan.  He's  Director of SFP Venture Partners Limited, which is the project arm of the investors in the SFP Private Bank of Geneva. He is currently developing 280 apartments and villas in Portugal and is actively seeking investment and development opportunities in the UK. He recently purchased 50 acres of land in Lowestoft on the waterfront, and is also developing 60 town houses on the River Colne in Colchester"
Now lets see, is not the statement made by the ASA consistent with the statement made in 2002 by Painter? Keegan is clearly a director of the company, and has extensive claimed experience consistently in both statements.

Seems poor ole Chappel (CLEARLY a senile old fool) has nothing better to do, and Driver simply likes to bullshit when he has nothing better to try to get publicity for.

Another peasant breaks the surface

Yet another peasant from the red hall massive breaks the surface!

Laugh with us as the daubings from the far left comedy factory continue!


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The wheels fall off Driver's latest bandwagon

Well it had to happen. Poor ole Friends of Ransgate Seafront have allowed themselves to be subsumed by Driver, his pet monkey, his little band of occutard trolls, and a couple of laughably inept "investigators".

Barry James, what a laughable fool he has become. He makes all sorts of accusations, without a shred of evidence of any kind. He whines on about wanting answers, gets given them, and it appears he is so stupid, he doesn;t even know he has the answer! Having a vested interest in Thanet property, and having only recently aquired a qualification in accountancy, he is CLEARLY the epithomy of a little (TINY) amount of knowledge not only being a dangerous thing, but making it's owner look the dumb dishonest clown he clearly is, and leading the poor naive "leaders" of FORS up a garden path they clearly don't understand.

Gerhard Kosack, James's bitch, but with less IQ

James Chappel, clearly senile, makes a fool of himself on a daily basis.

Kandy, mistkaes being loud and gobby with achieving anything

Terry Askew, well meaning, but stunningly naive, sadly will be shown up by the clowns she has let overrun FORS

Tongue, Driver's lil monkey, enough said

Driver, well every village has to have an idiot, a roll Driver clearly revels in as he leaps from bandwagon to bandwagon. Wonder why he's SO ashamed of his political past...

Clare Dove & Janet Woods, serial protesters, laughably inept, ignored by everyone except the naive (see above)

They will soon be mauled by the councilors at the meeting where they intend to ask questions which have already been answered 100 times, and makes accusations they clearly can;t back up. I await the happy scenes as Drivers monkey (and hopefuly Driver) are arrested for abusing the process.

Shame really, I support Terry's cause, but the poor ole dear is SO naive, she will achieve nothing, no matter how much pointless shouting Kandy engages in.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

RIP Maggie T

A sad loss of the only post war leader that actually did anything constructive for the UK.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Driver's pet monkey has been busy!

Well the comedy keeps on coming!

Driver's lil pet monkey has been at it again. It appears she has created yet more 5th rate video's of the clown Driver trying to hookwink people who are WAY cleverer that to fall for his bullshit! It's like watching Wallace having a chat with Grommit, except that anyone with an IQ north of 12 takes Wallace WAY more seriously than the clown Driver. Certainly Grommit is way brighter than anyone daft enough to swallow Driver's comedy routine.

I wonder why Driver chose to be a "double hatter" for some years till election time, only then condemning the practice, and giving up the UNPAID post he dishonestly got himself elected to. Is it simple hypocrisy, or simply Driver being as dishonest as always, and being to stupid to realise that he's been caught out...

Then we have Driver's lil pet monkey's meeting! We are treated to Ian "Wallace, big gob" Driver spouting the usual senseless bullshit that only people with an IQ south of Grommit's would swallow, Oldfield bleating the same old tired rhetoric, and that poor dumb editor of the comic Thanet Watch, Norman Thomas, who still no doubt quietly weeps in the small hours about Arthur Scargill being roundly beaten in the 80's. Who is the "woman" standing by the table the comedic three are sitting at out of interest.

The only thing more amusing than the meeting (clearly held in a cupboard, with all 7 of the audience), is those present thinking that anyone with any sense sees them as any more than the joke they clearly are.

I congratulate the more sensible political heads who refused to be drawn into this clearly left wing mutual love in, where they would simply have been attacked for holding any views to the left of Marx.

Keep it up bubbles, you certainly make the bright people of Thanet laugh, and keep those who could be described as "challenged" amused, so we know they kept off the streets for at least a little while.