Monday 25 March 2013

THIEF, STOP THIEF, where is Driver!

So council art "treasures" are apparently missing from where they have been stored by TDC, inspite of there being no catalogue of what is supposed to be there, and councillors are apparently hiding the loss for nefarious purposes! Cllr Driver has been called in to investigate!

You can't make this stuff up!

There has been a "theft" so what we should clearly do is NOT call the police, but to call a loud mouthed, ill informed bullshitter called Driver to sensationalise the issue of the missing "treasures" as much as humanly possible to help him in his election to his 3rd council position!

Driver tells us he knows the names of the councillors hiding the theft, but as he has no evidence whatsoever, he will not be making those names public as they will rightfully sue Driver for all he's worth! If you have the evidence Driver, why do you not name these people, and if you don't why don't you simply STFU until you do..

If there is suspicion of theft, CALL THE POLICE, that's what they are there for. All Driver is there to do is make a lot of pointless noise, and promote Driver, no more, and probably less!

Just a final note, what "treasures" did TDC own? Arc of the covenant, holy grail  maybe the original tablets given to moses?

Yet another non issue for Driver to leap on, seems Pleasurama is no longer newsworthy enough, just like QEQM, Tesco's, animal exports and the Broadstairs health practice before them!


  1. I agree, why doesn't Tony just contact the police instead?

    1. I suggested that to Tony as soon as he raised this issue on his blog. Although the missing items, like old programmes and posters, are not worth a fortune they are still part of the area's history, should have been properly looked after and, if missing without explanation, should involve a police investigation. After all, there could have only been so many people who had access.

    2. It is Thanet District Council that is the injured party and it is down to them to take whatever action is required once more facts are established. The TDC collection does fall into two categories the premier collection where the money is and the rest which consists of items of lesser value. Amongst the lesser value items audit controls have just evaporated. I can identify a few examples of missing items amongst the lesser valued items from archive. As for the premier items rest assured they are safe.

  2. So the question remains, why doesn't Driver contact the police, rather than making political capital from the missing "treasures"?

    Is he so desperate, and does he have so little to offer, he has to hijack this issue aswell...

    1. Sorry, but if items donated to a public museum are stolen or negligently treated, surely the public are the injured party. TDC only comprises our elected representatives and employed officers paid for out of our taxes.

      As I have said before, this matter should be reported to the police by TDC and failure to do so could, in itself, constitute an offence by concealing a crime. On the other hand, if there is no crime, what is Driver doing trumpetting about Thanet art thefts and is such scaremongering, in such circumstances, what we should expect of our elected councillors.
