Friday 1 March 2013

Drivers pet clamours publicity

Having had a little look for Drivers pet videographer's latest 4th rate offering, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that as she has nothing of value to offer, she reposts the last home movie, under a new title, hopefully trying to pass it of as her latest daubing.

Dear dear, it appears she is running out of ways to try to get her hero some covereage, no matter how sad and desperate. Keep it coming Tongue, I always welcome a good laugh, and you certainly seem happy to provide it!

1 comment:

  1. The only trouble with watching these Tongue classics starring Driver is I find that for the rest of the day I am likely to grin like an idiot, even in public, at the voice in my head which goes "Ee oop, arve gotta jam buttie stook oop me bum" or strange northern sounds to that effect.

    Digressing, the Eastleigh result should confirm to cuddly Dave that perhaps gay marriage was not such a bright idea.
