Wednesday 27 March 2013

Thanet politics

Between The Red Hat club, the comedy side show that is Driver and his pet monkey, the Worrow "homophobe under the bed" witch hunt who's scope McCarthy could only dream of replicating, and the comedy that is the Labour group bribing "in dependant" councillors with chairmanships (paid of course ;-) )of committee's so they can stay in power, you have to wonder when the comedy that is Thanet politics will hit the big screen :-)

We are treated to the spectacle that is Driver piously condemning "double hatting", having double hatted for some years, resigning an unpaid "hat" whilst retaining a paid one, in an attempt to secure a better paid one, but keeping hold of the one he already has that pays, so that when he inevitably disappears without trace when running in elections with REAL politicians, he can still raid the public purse for his inept and self serving machinations, whilst finding a new bandwagon to promote himself from daily.

No wonder he doesn't allow uncensored comment on his site, you have to feel sorry for him really, he doesn't deserve it, but I do pity him.

1 comment:

  1. That is crazy John!!! I think I said somethign on facebook at the same tiem as you wrote this. there was a time when it was like "The Hotel" on channel 4 - chaos!
