Sunday, 30 June 2013
Saturday, 29 June 2013
You have to laugh!
I am starting to feel an affinity with Michael!
The blog administrator's life can be an entertaining one! But you also have to deal with worthless no marks such as poor ole socialist agitator Smithson. Nothing more than a spammer, the poor little twat posts to me over and over again, knowing of course that to spare him my ridicule over his low quality pap, I simply click on 'select all' followed by 'delete', and consign his amateurish BS to the place it clearly belongs, the world of deleted posts, unread.
I think the poor deluded wiper of other peoples bottoms think I read his posts LOL LOL, oh dear.
The blog administrator's life can be an entertaining one! But you also have to deal with worthless no marks such as poor ole socialist agitator Smithson. Nothing more than a spammer, the poor little twat posts to me over and over again, knowing of course that to spare him my ridicule over his low quality pap, I simply click on 'select all' followed by 'delete', and consign his amateurish BS to the place it clearly belongs, the world of deleted posts, unread.
I think the poor deluded wiper of other peoples bottoms think I read his posts LOL LOL, oh dear.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Why do the Arlington nimbys hate the old and disabled...
celebrate that the old and infirm at Arlington House, that the nimbys are claiming to
champion, will soon have all their shopping requirements on their doorstep! No
drive to Westwood, no traffic congestion, just a mere stroll from their
home to Tesco's right next door!
I CELEBRATE that the people the nimbys claim love Arlington are about to have their lives made substantially easier
Why do the nimbys try to make the lives of the disabled, elderly and infirm harder, why do they try to ensure they will continue to live in a hideous slum..
I CELEBRATE that the people the nimbys claim love Arlington are about to have their lives made substantially easier
Why do the nimbys try to make the lives of the disabled, elderly and infirm harder, why do they try to ensure they will continue to live in a hideous slum..
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
The nimbys are getting REALLY desperate!
Now for some amusement, one of the nimby's
supporters has started a "survey" which the link for which has been
circulated amoungst the various nimby, occutard and anti groups.
Whilst I expect that nimbys, class warriers and occutards from far and wide, who would protest being given £1,000,000 if it came from the foul profits of fascistic capilitalist pigs to swamp this pointless little "survey" why not give them the bloody noise they so richly deserve!
We nearly equal their numbers on this page now, very unusual for a pro anything page, the loud mouthed protesters are the ones with the issue, lets make them realise yet AGAIN they are a TINY minority!
Vote here to send the nimbys a message to stop trying to stop or delay any progress in Thanet..
Whilst I expect that nimbys, class warriers and occutards from far and wide, who would protest being given £1,000,000 if it came from the foul profits of fascistic capilitalist pigs to swamp this pointless little "survey" why not give them the bloody noise they so richly deserve!
We nearly equal their numbers on this page now, very unusual for a pro anything page, the loud mouthed protesters are the ones with the issue, lets make them realise yet AGAIN they are a TINY minority!
Vote here to send the nimbys a message to stop trying to stop or delay any progress in Thanet..
Monday, 24 June 2013
Airshow a HUGE success!
Seems clear that the return of airshows to Manston is a HUGE success! I have been to airshows throught the UK, and even a couple abroad. I have yet to goto one that doesn't involve HUGE traffic jams, long delays and long walks at some point in the day, to suppose Manston could be different and everyone turn up with no dealy and simply breeze into a car park, next to the runway really is fairy land!
It will doubtless have it's critics, pontificating about issues they have no understanding of, but it certainly bought money and people to Thanet, who will hopefuly return in the future.
I wonder how long before Thanets very own bandwagon jumper Driver begins his usual ill informed atatck on another of Thanet's successes, and how long before he reports it to some entity somewhere to try to have it fined...
It will doubtless have it's critics, pontificating about issues they have no understanding of, but it certainly bought money and people to Thanet, who will hopefuly return in the future.
I wonder how long before Thanets very own bandwagon jumper Driver begins his usual ill informed atatck on another of Thanet's successes, and how long before he reports it to some entity somewhere to try to have it fined...
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Finding out how NOT to do it..
We now have the laughably amusing occurance of architects coming to Arlington house to learn how not to design buildings! They will be touring the slum in a visit reminisent of Aston Martin Engineers popping over to TATA to amuse themselves at the mistakes of the past, and to learn NEVER to make them again!
Trip to view the hideous mistakes of the past
SO funny!
Even funnier is that the nimbys of Arlington think that this lends them some support in preventing progress at Arlington! Lets remember that the vertical slum that is Arlington is sadly not to be demolished when Tesco's is built, thus it really doesn't make any difference to the vertical slum whether Tesco's is built or not, apart from the fact it will get a face lift more needed than a drowning man needs a boat!
Trip to view the hideous mistakes of the past
SO funny!
Even funnier is that the nimbys of Arlington think that this lends them some support in preventing progress at Arlington! Lets remember that the vertical slum that is Arlington is sadly not to be demolished when Tesco's is built, thus it really doesn't make any difference to the vertical slum whether Tesco's is built or not, apart from the fact it will get a face lift more needed than a drowning man needs a boat!
Some amusingly irrelevant sideshows
The TUC (didn't even know that that hangiver from the 70's still existed!) People United Bus comes to Ramsgate, nobody gives a crap.
Best bit is it's promoted by an ex labour/independant/TIG/Green councillor, that seems to doom it to utter failure.
Barry James
The "No to Tesco's Margate" campaign
The "there's a scandal at the port" brigade who clearly have no idea about business
The "Rank have trashed the Royal Pavillion" brigade who clearly have no clue about commercial leases
They have kept me amused all week so far, as I am sure they will continue to do.
Best bit is it's promoted by an ex labour/independant/TIG/Green councillor, that seems to doom it to utter failure.
Barry James
The "No to Tesco's Margate" campaign
The "there's a scandal at the port" brigade who clearly have no idea about business
The "Rank have trashed the Royal Pavillion" brigade who clearly have no clue about commercial leases
They have kept me amused all week so far, as I am sure they will continue to do.
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Friday, 21 June 2013
Another TDC scandal?
I am willing to bet that poor ole Barry James has swallowed the information in the attached link whole, and is busily hunched over his pc, cutting a tragic and lonely figure as he frantically "resaerches" nuclear powered hovercraft and the international wig business, hoping to make allegation against an as yet unkown businessman that he will have not a shred of evidence for.
Of you go James, fetch HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Of you go James, fetch HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Margate nimbys continue to amuse!
How delusional can some people be! Having disabled comments on their blog after a TORRENT of happy mails that Tesco will be built, this is the best, and ONLY excuse the nimbys could come up with!
"Toby Pengelly - Or an orchestrated campaign by those with an agenda. I'd guess Tesco has a fairly large marketing budget, part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comments"
This particular village idiot doesn't even live anywhere near Thanet! Instead of the particularly amusing, not to mention HUGELY far fetched "part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comment", how about the HUGE MAJORITY WANT THE TESCO'S, AND DON'T GIVE A CRAP THAT YOUR SENILE OLD MAN WON;T HAVE HIS VERY OWN PARKING SPACE ;)
"Toby Pengelly - Or an orchestrated campaign by those with an agenda. I'd guess Tesco has a fairly large marketing budget, part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comments"
This particular village idiot doesn't even live anywhere near Thanet! Instead of the particularly amusing, not to mention HUGELY far fetched "part of which would be spent on shills flooding pages such as these with pro Tesco comment", how about the HUGE MAJORITY WANT THE TESCO'S, AND DON'T GIVE A CRAP THAT YOUR SENILE OLD MAN WON;T HAVE HIS VERY OWN PARKING SPACE ;)
Saturday, 15 June 2013
From the "no to Tesco's Arlington grp of nimbys;
"If we all boycott Tesco, they won't be able to afford to do it! I've already started!"
I'm sure Tesco's are TERRIFIED by a boycott by people who profess not to shop in Tesco's already
Only occutards make me laugh more than nimbys!
"If we all boycott Tesco, they won't be able to afford to do it! I've already started!"
I'm sure Tesco's are TERRIFIED by a boycott by people who profess not to shop in Tesco's already
Only occutards make me laugh more than nimbys!
You have to laugh!
The nimbys in margate have been heaping critism on poor ole Mary Portas for some weeks now. Not sure there was anything she could do right, she has been accused of trying to promote herself rather than help Margate, not knowing what's best for Margate and knowing nothing about retail.
Yet magically, after Mr Pickles quite rightly grants permission for the ONLY development that is likely to bring large scale jobs and money to Margate, and Portas critisises that decission, suddenly she is being quoted by the same morons who were attacking her only days ago!
What's funnier than nimby's, clueless nimby's and their occutard freinds!
Yet magically, after Mr Pickles quite rightly grants permission for the ONLY development that is likely to bring large scale jobs and money to Margate, and Portas critisises that decission, suddenly she is being quoted by the same morons who were attacking her only days ago!
What's funnier than nimby's, clueless nimby's and their occutard freinds!
Louise Oldfield Please, Eric Pickles. Do the right thing for Margate. No Tesco Superstore at Arlington Margate
Glad to see Mr pickles did EXACTLY the right thing Oldfield!
Join me in celebrating the begining of the re-birth of Thanet now the likes of Pengelly have been rightly pushed aside, as they should have been a VERY long time ago.
Join me in celebrating the begining of the re-birth of Thanet now the likes of Pengelly have been rightly pushed aside, as they should have been a VERY long time ago.
Friday, 14 June 2013
EXCELLENT news for Margate!
FINALLY the nimbys of Arlington have been rightly pushed aside, so the slum that is Arlington can be dragged back to teh 21st century!
Well done Eric Pickles!
Well done Eric Pickles!
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Drivers monkey at it again!
It appears that Drivers monkey has been at it again!
I have been forwarded another of her 5th rate home movies (thanks DS ;) ). Once I had stopped laughing at the total luck of production values, it became apparant that FORS are getting more clueless daily, and it also appears that they have allowed full time agitators to co-opt their increasingly tragic little group, and even Driver is off on his latest attempt to drum up some publicity for himself.
Lets just remind ourselves how stupid Driver has proven to be...
"Ian Driver
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
The only living thing more stupid would appear to be those will to swallow the clown Driver's bullshit whole, and without question...
I have been forwarded another of her 5th rate home movies (thanks DS ;) ). Once I had stopped laughing at the total luck of production values, it became apparant that FORS are getting more clueless daily, and it also appears that they have allowed full time agitators to co-opt their increasingly tragic little group, and even Driver is off on his latest attempt to drum up some publicity for himself.
Lets just remind ourselves how stupid Driver has proven to be...
"Ian Driver
Please see below the e-mail exchange I have had with a Council Officer
about the Pleasurama Scrutiny Group. Even before the group has met
Council officials are dictating that this important group will only meet
once!!! THIS IS NOT ON
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
The only living thing more stupid would appear to be those will to swallow the clown Driver's bullshit whole, and without question...
Monday, 10 June 2013
Driver proves to be VERY lacking
Now I need everyone to sit down before they read this,, sitting comfortably?
Driver and the particularly intellectually lacking of FORS, REALLY believe that this quotes means that the scritiny group will only meet once;
"Ian Driver
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know who is more stupid, Driver, or those who swallow his bullshit! Back in your box Driver before you humiliate yourself further.
Driver and the particularly intellectually lacking of FORS, REALLY believe that this quotes means that the scritiny group will only meet once;
"Ian Driver
Please see below the e-mail exchange I have had with a Council Officer
about the Pleasurama Scrutiny Group. Even before the group has met
Council officials are dictating that this important group will only meet
once!!! THIS IS NOT ON
The Pleasurama Task & Finish Group will only meet once we have the full complement of the membership and agreed terms of reference. The Extraordinary OSP meeting that I am arranging for this month will resolve these outstanding issues and all Groups can start meeting soon after"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know who is more stupid, Driver, or those who swallow his bullshit! Back in your box Driver before you humiliate yourself further.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Some people actaully BELIEVE this comedy!
You couldn't make this stuff up!
Barry Clouseau has once again been proving that the company and people he chooses to post inuendo about without the benefit of any evidence or proof seem to have actually done nothing wrong.
Even in his latest comedy script, he seems to blunder around not really knowing what he's trying to say, but failing to prove anything apart from he has found nothing untoward and looks a bit of a cock.
Enjoy this, but after you have wasted a few minutes reading it, you will simply sit there, and try to work out what Thanet's resident village idiot is trying to prove.
James's comedy piece...
Funny as f**k
(Thank's for the doc Duncan ;) )
Barry Clouseau has once again been proving that the company and people he chooses to post inuendo about without the benefit of any evidence or proof seem to have actually done nothing wrong.
Even in his latest comedy script, he seems to blunder around not really knowing what he's trying to say, but failing to prove anything apart from he has found nothing untoward and looks a bit of a cock.
Enjoy this, but after you have wasted a few minutes reading it, you will simply sit there, and try to work out what Thanet's resident village idiot is trying to prove.
James's comedy piece...

(Thank's for the doc Duncan ;) )
Saturday, 8 June 2013
FOR's prove (again) just how valueless they are
Seems the co opted FORS will try to stop any and all progress in Thanet!
They now seem to whine because an empty but popular ex amusement arcade is seemingly being revived as an amusement arcade!
Typical of these clowns! Unless it's an art gallery, or a "space for the meditation of Burmese LGBT groups for the contemplation of institutional homophobia within the ideology of minority African woman's issues" they will whine and whinge like the clueless no marks they clearly are.
Less than 20 of these wastes of space turned up at the council meeting, just about outnumbered by the union activists that they have now allowed to co-opt their sad little groups that lost all credibility some time ago.
To those now whining, you say in one breath you want to attract families with kids, then whine when something that WILL attract families with kids looks like it maybe on it's way! They will certainly never darken the door of the fairly land "cultural and heritage centre"!
I can just see it now, sunny morning in August, mummy says to little Johnny "Lets have a nice day out, shall we goto a nice beach and play in the amusements before fish n chips, then coming home, or shall go along to the heritage centre in Ramsgate so you can experience some "culture" so you can experience socialism at 1st hand". Now I wonder which lil johnny will be choosing, even assuming of course that the funds are available to keep the "heritage centre" open!
Get a grip you daft ole duffers! People WANT shops, a hotel, cafes, bars, not a park behind a beach and a "heritage centre" that will be closed most of the year, and will get visited once at BEST by lil johnny!
They now seem to whine because an empty but popular ex amusement arcade is seemingly being revived as an amusement arcade!
Typical of these clowns! Unless it's an art gallery, or a "space for the meditation of Burmese LGBT groups for the contemplation of institutional homophobia within the ideology of minority African woman's issues" they will whine and whinge like the clueless no marks they clearly are.
Less than 20 of these wastes of space turned up at the council meeting, just about outnumbered by the union activists that they have now allowed to co-opt their sad little groups that lost all credibility some time ago.
To those now whining, you say in one breath you want to attract families with kids, then whine when something that WILL attract families with kids looks like it maybe on it's way! They will certainly never darken the door of the fairly land "cultural and heritage centre"!
I can just see it now, sunny morning in August, mummy says to little Johnny "Lets have a nice day out, shall we goto a nice beach and play in the amusements before fish n chips, then coming home, or shall go along to the heritage centre in Ramsgate so you can experience some "culture" so you can experience socialism at 1st hand". Now I wonder which lil johnny will be choosing, even assuming of course that the funds are available to keep the "heritage centre" open!
Get a grip you daft ole duffers! People WANT shops, a hotel, cafes, bars, not a park behind a beach and a "heritage centre" that will be closed most of the year, and will get visited once at BEST by lil johnny!
Friday, 7 June 2013
FORS goes the way of all activist groups
It seems that poor ole Terry Askew's FORS has been co-opted yet again! I don;t know what it is about poor ole Terry and her merry, but incompetant band, but it seems that they are happy to have their little nimby group co-opted by anyone with an agenda!
Not content with allowing Driver to use the group to promote his tragic KCC campaign, where he was utterly rejected, it now seem that some of the usual breed of socialist activist have now taken control of her little group that lost all credibility sometime ago.
If the pictures of their latest little get together are anything to go by, it seems that gob almighty Kandy STILL thinks being loud = being bright, but in fact underlines her cluelessness, but now it appears Unite has co-opted the band of ole duffers before they even noticed.
Oh well, you never know, they MAY produce some EVIDENCE of wrong at somepoint, but not until James, (the one who thinks he's poirot, but is in fact a perfect copy of clueaseu) manages to post something relevant and factual, but that would leave them in the sad position of trying to explain it to poor ole Kandy, if she stops flapping her pointless chops long enough!
Not content with allowing Driver to use the group to promote his tragic KCC campaign, where he was utterly rejected, it now seem that some of the usual breed of socialist activist have now taken control of her little group that lost all credibility sometime ago.
If the pictures of their latest little get together are anything to go by, it seems that gob almighty Kandy STILL thinks being loud = being bright, but in fact underlines her cluelessness, but now it appears Unite has co-opted the band of ole duffers before they even noticed.
Oh well, you never know, they MAY produce some EVIDENCE of wrong at somepoint, but not until James, (the one who thinks he's poirot, but is in fact a perfect copy of clueaseu) manages to post something relevant and factual, but that would leave them in the sad position of trying to explain it to poor ole Kandy, if she stops flapping her pointless chops long enough!
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Oh dear
Apparantly my blog gives poor Kandy from FORS nightmares.
I must apologise, but I am not prepared to remove the loser's picture from my blog at this time.
I must apologise, but I am not prepared to remove the loser's picture from my blog at this time.
Poor poor FORS
You have to feel sorry for FORS. When challenged over any of the BS they allow James to get away with, they go all weak at the knees and foot stampy.
I wonder why it is that James will not/cannot provide evidence to support his laughable bullshit, and it's only really the naive and gullible that actually take him seriously.
Poor James, when challenged he runs straight behind Kandy's skirt so she can try to use volume in the place of intellect to defend the poor lil mite.
I genuinely hope that finally the development at pleasurama is about to finally go ahead, and that Thanet can finally benefit from the clear and obvious benefits it will bring, despite the nimby fairy stories and unaffordable pipe dreams.
I wonder why it is that James will not/cannot provide evidence to support his laughable bullshit, and it's only really the naive and gullible that actually take him seriously.
Poor James, when challenged he runs straight behind Kandy's skirt so she can try to use volume in the place of intellect to defend the poor lil mite.
I genuinely hope that finally the development at pleasurama is about to finally go ahead, and that Thanet can finally benefit from the clear and obvious benefits it will bring, despite the nimby fairy stories and unaffordable pipe dreams.
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